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What stats you gettin for 07 server niggas?


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Might be a bit early to talk about this shit but whatever. Be realistic, think about what will be available and how long it will take until you start seeing some items i.e whips, d bows, bolts, mauls etc.

I was thinking most people will head for 60 attack, 31 prayer since scim/dds is easy to get and hits hard. Range will lack until items become easier to get, unless you don't mind pking with msb. Mage will be hard to get high at start, I don't expect to see anyone with blitz let alone barrage for a while.

Think if I had to play I'd go for all rounded overall once the game picks up but start as a melee cunt. Keep pray low this time around 13-31.

Saying all this though I could be wrong though since there will be players who no life skills to get certain items and the economy could stabilize pretty fast if there's bots and people like maining.

Inb4 plus ones or not playing, I'll mute you wankers SRS.

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my dream account

40 attack 99 str :]

aka dis legend right here



Yeah maxed 40 attack 13 prayer would be sick imo, low cmb.



Yeah maxed 40 attack 13 prayer would be sick imo, low cmb.

might get 25 pray atleast

dont wanna loose rune scimmy lol

during bounty hunter crater times i always waited till i was about to die to turn on the protect item prayer

never was fast enough :p


probably a 60 attack cunt and aiming for 82s within the first few months.

training the first few days might be annoying as hell due to no items/cash so to start off i plan on getting 53 thiev off the start for DT. get the most annoying thing out of the way to get some start up cahs while some cunt grinds smithing for my addy scim


on a side note tris 4 leader


probably a 60 attack cunt and aiming for 82s within the first few months.

training the first few days might be annoying as hell due to no items/cash so to start off i plan on getting 53 thiev off the start for DT. get the most annoying thing out of the way to get some start up cahs while some cunt grinds smithing for my addy scim

you can buy scims up to addy from the shop in alkharid

you could pretty much get anything but rune from npcs

just have fun walking...


Plan is to do security stronghold for 10k and lamps -> Waterfall for 30 attack/strength -> Buy addy scim from shop -> Steal cakes to level thieving -> Kill shit like druids for herbs/runes.

Idk how successfully that would be, probably wiser to start with a skill.


99 atk

99 str

35 def

99 rng/mage

99 pray


110 cb not srs


OK srs


Tris for aussie pk leader, anto can lead with me, evil for hc, any other nz/aus can be warlord and hc too.


gonna stay 1pray untill i can quest it then stay 13

attack 40 then quest to 50

max the rest


I'm going for 40-60 atk depending will probably concentrate on getting strength up first probably 13-34 prayer

Posted (edited)

G mauls will be near non existent for a ages and cost quite a lot when someone reaches the slayer level so i imagine there will be a lack of granite pure niggas. 40 or 60 attack will be ideal for ages.

Edited by Tris

probably a 60 attack cunt and aiming for 82s within the first few months.

training the first few days might be annoying as hell due to no items/cash so to start off i plan on getting 53 thiev off the start for DT. get the most annoying thing out of the way to get some start up cahs while some cunt grinds smithing for my addy scim

you can buy scims up to addy from the shop in alkharid

you could pretty much get anything but rune from npcs

just have fun walking...

thought mith was max it sold

Posted (edited)

You could be right friend^

Edit: yeah you can only get mith, addy is smithed or from the fued quest. Guess training to 60 attack with mith.

Edited by Tris

going straight for 52 prayer high attk/str smiteing does noobs + prayer is overpowered


Yeah, 40/60 attack, 99 str. Can't wait, only worry is I don't want to ruin good memories already made by old school.


I would try to be good melee and be better mage than other people on my cb..

not even for ancients but you must consider that people will tele more than in 2007


52 prayer, smiting will be deadeasy


Low Level.. around 70s rng, gmaul wud be sick.. 70str and mage somewhere there D:


im gonna make a 60 att maxed out probs


If there's gonna be F2P like 40 att high str/range 13/31 pray. Otherwise a 60 att pure.


40 attack maxed 13 prayer pwwwnage 72 cmb.

p2p range and mage , f2p range to 2h.


cant u buy rune scim from the champions guild

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