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All Credits Go To Eruteak:

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Quick find code: 317-318-478-64240785

To reach 250K votes we need to accumulate:

744 votes per hour over the next two weeks

12 votes per minute over the next two weeks

To reach 500k votes we need to accumulate:

1,488 votes per hour over the next two weeks

25 votes per minute over the next two weeks

To reach 750K votes we need to accumulate:

2,232 votes per hour over the next two weeks

37 votes per minute over the next two weeks


Time after poll / number of votes = votes per minute - Percentage of first stat

5hrs / 53,443 votes = 178.143 votes per minute

11hrs* / 69,698 votes = 105.603 votes per minute – 59% of first stat

18hrs / 104,956 votes = 97.181 votes per minute – 54% of first stat

19hrs / 106,706 votes = 93.601 votes per minute – 52% of first stat

20hrs / 107,872 votes = 89.89 votes per minute – 50% of first stat

21hrs / 108,876 votes = 86.409 votes per minute – 49% of first stat

31hrs / 122,128 votes = 65.66 votes per minute – 37% of first stat

*It is somewhere between 11 and 12hrs, I was not entirely sure.



Note, this is just an estimate based off of the previous results. The way I calculated it may or may not be accurate, so I'm not saying this is how it will be. I'm posting it here to see how accurate I was.

24hrs / 128,160 votes = 89 votes per minute - 50% of first stat

48hrs / 192,240 votes = 66.75 votes per minute – 38% of first stat

72hrs / 224,280 votes = 51.91 votes per minute – 30% of first stat

96hrs / 240,300 votes = 41.71 votes per minute – 24% of first stat

120hrs / 248,310 votes = 34.48 votes per minute – 20% of first stat

I find this very interesting. It shows that we are most likely going to be hitting the 250k Mark which means that membership will only cost around 5 dollars. I still haven't voted but have made a new account. Going to be waiting towards the end of the 2 week mark to be voting. Think we will hit the 500k Mark, 750k Mark? Thoughts/Opinions!


At 250k memberships will be 20$ a month...


At 250k memberships will be 20$ a month...

no..the price will go down 10 bucks or something
Posted (edited)

i estimated 75k at best before the vote, which has been passed last time I checked - hopefullywill hit over 250k.

no estimation 'new' from me, what I will say is; sowrecked or whoever started the hype of 07 and campaigned hard to get it back need to make a video getting people to vote because at the moment many people are waiting for others to vote to save a few bucks, even though they want it back also.

However... If theres a mass-vote provoked by a video that would more or less increase the chances of reaching say 500k votes because the WHOLE community would be participating in it then people would be more incline to pay and vote.

In other words, if people see their mates and people they admire voting and pushing for them to vote, they in-turn are more likely to vote.

A-Level Psychology with a spinkling of common sense reporting in.

Edited by Mortuls

Unfortunately doubt we'll get 500k :/ Votes per hour going down very quickly.


Jagex will fall because tons of people will play 2007 scape even the ones bitching about it and people on eoc once they realize how good it actually is, Jagex will be forced to bring in more developer teams and updates so even If we only get 250k votes I bet we will have a good 30-40k people on playing daily and will rapidly grow.


Unfortunately doubt we'll get 500k :/ Votes per hour going down very quickly.

was 33votes / min earlier lol.


do i have to pay for runescape+2007scape or only 2007scape?


do i have to pay for runescape+2007scape or only 2007scape?

Depends on the votes we reach.


with 250k it will be about 12 dollars a month

hopefully the bot stuff isn't added any time soon otherwise i'll be fucked


personally wouldnt pay $15/month for membership. $5 would be great.


I do hope to get 250k votes for a better game and less money to spend :p


they should release it already


They should just make 2007 free for use with paid membership. Not 20 dollars...


I reckon Easily 250k votes, maybe 500k votes. The only way we will reach 750k will be with like a flaw in the system, so we can vote multiple times!

Also, I would not be surprised if it was nearing 76

750k jagex may rig it!!


Too much math, just lets get 750k votes


5$ on top of the orginal rs members ship -.-

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