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Posted (edited)

I know this is another 2007 topic but when they release it, do you think that they might update some of the interface (not items, i mean the september update with the new inventory look) and do you think that they will add God Wars Dungeon and god items and shit. I know might take a while till the accounts are suitable for bossing. Leave your response down below and leave some suggestions of other updates that wont ruin the game but make it better.

Edited by Diizzy

I can confirm, none of us work for jagex so no one can answer this.


I hope god wars and clan wars will be added, If god wars isn't added pvm will be quite boring.


Will take months till the first brew will be made and by then jagex accumulated enough information if the servers are a success to add ge/godwars if we vote for it.


Will take months till the first brew will be made and by then jagex accumulated enough information if the servers are a success to add ge/godwars if we vote for it.

ok thanks


Will take months till the first brew will be made and by then jagex accumulated enough information if the servers are a success to add ge/godwars if we vote for it.


Lol gwd? Lol new invy? Lol God items aka op shit? Newfag that's the same shit that ruined rs!

Not srs but expect this. Would be cool tbh


Will take months till the first brew will be made and by then jagex accumulated enough information if the servers are a success to add ge/godwars if we vote for it.

Tbh I don't really want ge to be added imo that's what killed that game it took out that community feel and made everyone able to be a dick to another as you didn't have to rely on others for food/pots/gear etc


Probably not for a while till they know that 07 will lift off and they can make changes too it.


Oh you guys suck.... I want oldschool everything lol. Whip dds... I mean do we really need anything else?


in august 2007 godswords and shit came out. so, so did godwars i guess.

we are not sure which update from august 2007 it was so i hope we'll be lucky :)


I just went it to be left as it is, no fuckin updates. They've already ruined the game once no need to do it a second time.

Posted (edited)

in august 2007 godswords and shit came out. so, so did godwars i guess.

we are not sure which update from august 2007 it was so i hope we'll be lucky :)

they said the 10th of august and godwars came out the 28th soo :/ i really dont care as for me im going to stay 60 attack for the rest of eternity and if i want to get higher attack and use a godsword and shit ill just make a rune pure or barrows pure and max it out with 99 attack and shit..

Edited by Knockout

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