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App question


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If someone were to apply with a mauler "50 attack" melee based would they have to have Mm done considering they may not have grand tree completed and doing so would ruin their pure ;]

I myself have Gt done and I'm doing mm tomorrow for addy gloves and intend on getting 60 attack but was curious

because i just bumped into a 50/99 in sw without grand tree doneĀ 



I'm pretty sure they'd be allowed in.

z7 daniel zz

i think u don't have to do mm cause u can't use a d scim anyways :s

Dave (Cha0s)

Its for the attack req+higher.

Also it is a bonus if you have adamant gloves, I always look at peoples cooking level to detirmine what gloves they have, it shows the level of effort and care for making their account offensive instead of just training stats at soulwars.


Yup you do not have to have grand tree done mate. There would be no point as you cant even weild a d scim yet.

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