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Its zeh noob

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With everyone posting their old rs pics, why not post mine. Found these screenshots from my old dutch clan called Bloodbound, from when I was a eventsleader. Should be from around 2005/2006.

Always used to organise alot of steel wars events with other dutch clans. I believe we were the third dutch clan at the time, with RedDevilClan (RDC) being #1 and lunagang #2.

With a peak event of around 200 people at TzHaar fightpits with multiple clans.

And my 4th pk vid from june 2007;


wow those really brought back memories, Holding the 2h like that. Stronkkk


i really do hope they release a f2p world so i can fkn range 2h the shit out of ppl!@$@#


hard to describe what memories pics like this awake!!


ollllld school


wish i knew how to take screen shots 7 years ago man


KBD look, steel wars, epic Andrej


KBD look, steel wars, epic Andrej

ej hip man


I always fire striked/ bolted full rune with FOE. Free rune sets all the time. I also did this luring in edge above edge castle with friends.

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