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What pure


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Link your fav vid  ^_^

0 w n t 6 9

most of the good vids are gone now that he/she quit but some fans still have a few on youtube id love to link mine but its gone and everything else just doesn't seem as nice  :(

The vid was the 4th i believe named it Whipper time if anyone can dig it up

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I always liked Cyal8erloser, especially his first vid. I liked him while he was 60 attack/1 defence.


My first pk video I ever saw was DCranger pk vid 2, I thought he was the shit, (I was like 11,) Then I started to find out about pures, so I made a range pure with 47 range and 39 hp I quit cause I died too much (I pked with iron arrows and trout. Lols)


I mahatma I and I spiili I


The legends, fear figment & 0mfgorz.


Mine was "Frostydapker" tbh.


I have no idea how I got to being a pure.

I just made an account all of a sudden, I was also the first pure among my mates.


No one, My mate said make one, there fun. So I did. Never gone back  :blush:

Have Uh Cry

Hmm no one really 'inspired' me to make a pure.. When I made my first one, I had never ever seen one before. My friend Roflmaodead told me Irl about them and we made one together before stuffing it up for defence because we didn't understand exactly how they worked back then. Ever since then we had heaps of pures (straight range, straight mage, 20 def pures - didn't like them much) I then made a pure called Omiege - it was my first p2p pure but it got hacked and I got defence. Then I made another one - got defence. Have Uh Cry is my best pure yet and the longest I've had a p2p pure with 'two or under' (-.-) defence.

The first ever pker I saw was Yankin Deez. Thought he was AWESOME. When I look him up now I'm nearly where he was  :omg:


Shaman Mikey and Fire Fightax.


I always liked Cyal8erloser, especially his first vid. I liked him while he was 60 attack/1 defence.

hes a scamming faggot, and this thread is incredibly pointless.




IHQ69, Fear Figment, frostydapker, mods :D


No1 really. kinda self discovered by fighting people with lower def and higher str than myself. 

i found out by fighting full mith in my own full rune. and he hit higher than me(higher chance of KOing) and lost waay less upon death. soo that inspired me to make a black pure. then rs2 came out. quickly found out that 10def was noobed so i made a mage first and then a melee/mage 1 def.

etc etc :P

Smited B O W

Elvemage, i know its a common one but he pks in the style I like.

Also Uaex's combos are insparational too.

im so spek

x pwnz0r x



fear figment, 0mfg0rz, i mahatma i, 8 stealth 8, saw some more vids, but dont remember from who :D


My two IRL friends Master Woot and P 0 0 T E R.

Later on, Kids Ranqe.


Blood season or blood anthem, cant remember which


Yankin Deez, The do0rs, Fear Figment, I Mahatma I, Hiei The Pk, I H Q 6 9, maybe some more.

Crystall Ice™

I had Chrome Range and Slashi Jr as role models however I enjoyed T00 4zn and Kryptic  X/ Kryptic Inc because they Pked mostly F2P.

ur f r 0 z e

tbh who really inspried me wus i mahatma i and yankin deez or basically any well known pure back in the day and i espically liked being a pure wen it go to beign a good acc because it wus more easier to get kills as a pure vs pure den as a main or etc


Um tbh a bit of kids ranqe, Q_0_str_0_Q, enseioth dunno loved playing on pures seeing such high hits at low levels.

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