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What pure


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I lol'd at how many were inspired by new school  pkers. Anyways for me it was 0mfg0rz, I absolutely loved his vids. But the person who first got me interested in pures was actually ci-ni, back when i used to stake.

I theorycrafted pures with Ci Ni on MANY different pures that I've maded.. he was good to list.

As for inspiraiton to create a pure? I don't really remember. I started playing pures in RSC howeverthefuck long ago and it just stuck.

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Kids Ranqe.

By Far He's The Reason i made A Pure.


X0x H3ll X0x

De La Rue

I wasn't a pure to begin with. So Death Treath and Voltago.

If I was to say a pure, Volcanic Fox because I loved his RSN.

If I was to say a rune-pure, X Perseus X loved him when he was range-based with 40 defence.


The pure that made me want to make a pure was


xd p4r3 dx

X0x H3ll X0x

forgot about this person i ussed to awlays run into him at giants on caine656 he used to alwayss mageee

Creamie pies

Astroranger1 :)

Itz Tragic

has to be my irl friend, brb g2g p00n, i would watch him pk back in original wild and i wanted to do it, but now me and him have just made new pures =)

Also, i have always loved kids ranqe's vids, always have, always will




I quit my main at 2000+ total and started my pure after watching some of Agressor's old vids, and seeing some of Mods vids.

Bonesaw inspired me too.


I belive V E I J O was the name cant remember was so long back now but was a maxed whip pure dunno if he still has vids up anymore.

  • 3 weeks later...
Kiid Ownage

UHHRRMM, I realy dont know, but i think it was kids ranqe lol


I always thought about making one when i eventually noticed higher strength = higher hits.

When i saw hiei rape the shit out of some runecrafter pkers i made one :D

X Hell Pur X

i getto i was the pure that inspired me the most.  i love his old videos.


krazyfaken, dutch wave, 3---hit---u, i mahatma i

they had high stats in rsclassic. those were the only somewhat famous people because of their high stats.


I loved Fear Figment's vids, they were so awesome ...

The last vid was epic and my favourite of all time.

Crue Nation

Fear Figment, not just The Last Lullaby either I loved every vid. After I saw those videos I made my first pure so I count fear fig as my inspiration for all my pures.


krazyfaken, dutch wave, 3---hit---u, i mahatma i

they had high stats in rsclassic. those were the only somewhat famous people because of their high stats.

Dutch wave? I know him irl  :o Well, met him like 5-6 times during league matches

Finnald and Fear Figment got me into making my pure. Later on I really loved Kids Ranqe's work


IHQ69 before the defence




Cellblock A

Hiei the pk.Cyal8erloser.Fear figment.8-stealth-8(runepure)


purple 0wnz

my friend showed me his vids and i just always watched them, didnt make my first properp ure untill a year ago tho mind



X Pipstor X

He made a simple PK vid in WMM with some BFMV, it was ownage. The main reason I made a pure tbh.

Ini pure:

Hiei the Pk always made vids, but I never really cared for him since he was 20 def, until I got it myself lololol.

Rune Pures:

8 Stealth 8

T H E Do0rs

Dutch Aquila's rune pure vid was amazing like 5 mins of just koes.

mr d stroy

Fear figment was my idol  :wub:

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