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IHQ69 Frosty Evilsexc and Finnald

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finnald was good back in the days

Quint|Fiery Ko

0mfg0rz all the way


Hmm my first pures are rather "oldschool" and were maxed years ago and even played with these guys. I would have to say i mahatma i,B R A V 3 S, 0m3ganight7 hiei the pk way before he made vids,p r o cook, 0mfg0rz, 3---hit---u, lil evo32. The names allot of you guys say are rather funny, I remember 90% of them when they were lower level or even my level and i used to rip them =[.

PS: i seen people before these guys that were pure but these guys got me to perfect it.

Holy Jitte

Zerodeck9ball back in late 2001. I was wearing full mith with mith kite and addy battleaxe and got smoked hard. He was wearing full iron and a wizard hat with a rune long sword. We talked after the fight and I started to see the trend of pures emerge so I decided to jump on the bandwagon.


My friend Pizzapizapie got me to start pures, he showed me his 292 DDS collection, and 56 D scimmys and that was the first pure collection I had ever seen and I was AMAZED lol, so after about a year of attempted failures (same old story) I eventually made a 1 defense pure

My favorite YT PKers were Hiei the pk (however you spell that) Fear Figment and IHQ69 <3


I remember volcanic fox when he was maxed and he used to 1 item.. i thought he was a disgrace tbh. I used to demolish that kid every time i seen him. But i had a classic story somewhat like you guys besides my "inspirations" i had a 100 back in classic and a random kid wrecked me in 3 hits..so i made a 3 hit pure and then they came out with rs2 or rs what ever you wanna call it.



I'd leave him there, I don't know about you kids but I don't want to beat a gay guy off

Reese l Yourz Purely

Frostydapker, he also had some of the best music in his vids which made me want to watch them even more.

Belgium Pur3

Cyal8terloser, urballzrmine

Edit: Hiei the pk


0 W N T 6 9 (Max) He gave me E G O 6 9, his new account is 0wned 6 9, i also got his msn. His best vid got removed


I found that the best vids back then, were the ones with loads of vareity.

That's why I must say, I did enjoy elvemage, cus I could say at the screen, "I know where he is!"

x ur 0wnd x

It would either be the first pure that ever killed/inspired me or 0wnt69. she was a straight up badass

I Thai Ko I

first vid i watched was of yankin deez owning people in old wildy, full inspired me


Evilsexc, inspired me to make a pure and find out about FOE.


Sadly, I was inspired by rs gangstar's 1-99 Range in 5 minutes or w/e video. That is also why I'm EX-MM


i spiili i and fear figment, two pk vids i first ever saw, legends, too bad spiili is banned now


w33d 4 u an old guy back from RSC ages ago who was a friend of mine along with Muclcrack and a few others cant really remember.


Frostydapker, and Kids ranqe.


I Mahatma I because he's F*KING INDIAN LIKE ME! ~ I think ....


I Spiili I and Kids Ranqe

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