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2007 Questions and answers.

kreamie pies

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Posted (edited)

Ill post what I seems to be is important.

F2p for members is in the making, So we will have f2p worlds just only for members

No G.E Or God wars

Stronghold was released 2006, So we get our 10k...

Edited by kreamie pies

Question:- Could you not update the server since it is a oldschool server and should stay that way?

Don’t worry – any updates that we decide to release will be done so by working with the Old School community. We will only go with updates that the overwhelming majority of players want. Don’t forget that if we don’t hit 500k votes, there won’t be any significant updates to the game anyway.

Posted (edited)

Zaros Dragon:- What is the official rule about trading gp for 07scape gp?

Mod Mark: Good question. There is no way for us to support cross product trading. If you made a trade on one game in the assumption that you'd get a trade on a different game then you'd be relying on trust alone. There aren't any rules or guidelines on this matter. Its up to the individuals involved.


Let the scamming commence!

Swerve City asks:- Can you add Free to Play STYLED servers? Meaning, don't allow F2P users to play 2007 scape, but create servers that emulate F2P because many people preferred Pking in non member servers with just Rune.

Mod Mark: Thats a nice idea. We could do something like that yes.

Edited by Sean``

Good shit I don't want any ge or new updates, that's apart of what fucked the eco..


fucking woot dat 10k


fucking woot dat 10k

Tauntz finally getting more than 6k in his bank...


fucking woot dat 10k

Tauntz finally getting more than 6k in his bank...

And he's going to spend it all on cream boots.


f2p won't be able to vote.

Don't think we will make 250k. I made a post on the forums exposing them but It got hidden. Basically the poll was rigged.


f2p won't be able to vote.

Don't think we will make 250k. I made a post on the forums exposing them but It got hidden. Basically the poll was rigged.

Na you're rigged, if you don't think we will hit 250k votes, seeing as though you HAVE to vote to play the servers on friday, then you're a thick twat.

Sorry for being so harsh :P

Nice to hear g.e and godwars won't be implemented.


fucking woot dat 10k

Tauntz finally getting more than 6k in his bank...

And he's going to spend it all on cream boots.

Oh its so true... the shame.


f2p won't be able to vote.

Don't think we will make 250k. I made a post on the forums exposing them but It got hidden. Basically the poll was rigged.

Na you're rigged, if you don't think we will hit 250k votes, seeing as though you HAVE to vote to play the servers on friday, then you're a thick twat.

Sorry for being so harsh :P

Nice to hear g.e and godwars won't be implemented.

You make no sense. Not many people care about playing the server on friday either. It was rigged and it was exploited. Who even are you???

f2p won't be able to vote.

Don't think we will make 250k. I made a post on the forums exposing them but It got hidden. Basically the poll was rigged.

Na you're rigged, if you don't think we will hit 250k votes, seeing as though you HAVE to vote to play the servers on friday, then you're a thick twat.

Sorry for being so harsh :P

Nice to hear g.e and godwars won't be implemented.

You make no sense. Not many people care about playing the server on friday either. It was rigged and it was exploited. Who even are you???

A lot of people do care, and wtf does it matter who i am? I was in foe in like 05/06 along time before you. But it doesn't even matter.

Because you don't know who i am i can't have my opinion? ok


f2p won't be able to vote.

Don't think we will make 250k. I made a post on the forums exposing them but It got hidden. Basically the poll was rigged.

Na you're rigged, if you don't think we will hit 250k votes, seeing as though you HAVE to vote to play the servers on friday, then you're a thick twat.

Sorry for being so harsh :P

Nice to hear g.e and godwars won't be implemented.

You make no sense. Not many people care about playing the server on friday either. It was rigged and it was exploited. Who even are you???

A lot of people do care, and wtf does it matter who i am? I was in foe in like 05/06 along time before you. But it doesn't even matter.

Because you don't know who i am i can't have my opinion? ok

csb, and no.. Still not many people care or else the votes will be thorough the roof. I know a few people who are waiting to buy memberships till after its released.

f2p won't be able to vote.

Don't think we will make 250k. I made a post on the forums exposing them but It got hidden. Basically the poll was rigged.

Na you're rigged, if you don't think we will hit 250k votes, seeing as though you HAVE to vote to play the servers on friday, then you're a thick twat.

Sorry for being so harsh :P

Nice to hear g.e and godwars won't be implemented.

You make no sense. Not many people care about playing the server on friday either. It was rigged and it was exploited. Who even are you???

A lot of people do care, and wtf does it matter who i am? I was in foe in like 05/06 along time before you. But it doesn't even matter.

Because you don't know who i am i can't have my opinion? ok

csb, and no.. Still not many people care or else the votes will be thorough the roof. I know a few people who are waiting to buy memberships till after its released.

There will still be 1 week left of the poll from friday, so almost all the people who want to play the server will already be members of 07, and have to vote. Which will give a clear indication of all the people who want to play 07 scape.

If you havn't gained members by a week after release, you either don't want to play it, or you're on holiday/have irl business, which won't be too many people.


f2p won't be able to vote.

Don't think we will make 250k. I made a post on the forums exposing them but It got hidden. Basically the poll was rigged.

Na you're rigged, if you don't think we will hit 250k votes, seeing as though you HAVE to vote to play the servers on friday, then you're a thick twat.

Sorry for being so harsh :P

Nice to hear g.e and godwars won't be implemented.

You make no sense. Not many people care about playing the server on friday either. It was rigged and it was exploited. Who even are you???

A lot of people do care, and wtf does it matter who i am? I was in foe in like 05/06 along time before you. But it doesn't even matter.

Because you don't know who i am i can't have my opinion? ok

csb, and no.. Still not many people care or else the votes will be thorough the roof. I know a few people who are waiting to buy memberships till after its released.

There will still be 1 week left of the poll from friday, so almost all the people who want to play the server will already be members of 07, and have to vote. Which will give a clear indication of all the people who want to play 07 scape.

If you havn't gained members by a week after release, you either don't want to play it, or you're on holiday/have irl business, which won't be too many people.

I guarantee that after the servers are released about 3-4 days after the player base will grow by either half or a little less than half.

f2p won't be able to vote.

Don't think we will make 250k. I made a post on the forums exposing them but It got hidden. Basically the poll was rigged.

Na you're rigged, if you don't think we will hit 250k votes, seeing as though you HAVE to vote to play the servers on friday, then you're a thick twat.

Sorry for being so harsh :P

Nice to hear g.e and godwars won't be implemented.

You make no sense. Not many people care about playing the server on friday either. It was rigged and it was exploited. Who even are you???

A lot of people do care, and wtf does it matter who i am? I was in foe in like 05/06 along time before you. But it doesn't even matter.

Because you don't know who i am i can't have my opinion? ok

csb, and no.. Still not many people care or else the votes will be thorough the roof. I know a few people who are waiting to buy memberships till after its released.

There will still be 1 week left of the poll from friday, so almost all the people who want to play the server will already be members of 07, and have to vote. Which will give a clear indication of all the people who want to play 07 scape.

If you havn't gained members by a week after release, you either don't want to play it, or you're on holiday/have irl business, which won't be too many people.

I guarantee that after the servers are released about 3-4 days after the player base will grow by either half or a little less than half.

If so, then that's all the players that want to play the game. And would of voted.


Why dont you post about the Q&A instead of making quote pyramids.


f2p won't be able to vote.

Don't think we will make 250k. I made a post on the forums exposing them but It got hidden. Basically the poll was rigged.

Na you're rigged, if you don't think we will hit 250k votes, seeing as though you HAVE to vote to play the servers on friday, then you're a thick twat.

Sorry for being so harsh :P

Nice to hear g.e and godwars won't be implemented.

You make no sense. Not many people care about playing the server on friday either. It was rigged and it was exploited. Who even are you???

A lot of people do care, and wtf does it matter who i am? I was in foe in like 05/06 along time before you. But it doesn't even matter.

Because you don't know who i am i can't have my opinion? ok

csb, and no.. Still not many people care or else the votes will be thorough the roof. I know a few people who are waiting to buy memberships till after its released.

There will still be 1 week left of the poll from friday, so almost all the people who want to play the server will already be members of 07, and have to vote. Which will give a clear indication of all the people who want to play 07 scape.

If you havn't gained members by a week after release, you either don't want to play it, or you're on holiday/have irl business, which won't be too many people.

I guarantee that after the servers are released about 3-4 days after the player base will grow by either half or a little less than half.

If so, then that's all the players that want to play the game. And would of voted.

But they didn't so end of discussion. Just like the Q&A.


omg my rainbow shoes

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