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Group stuff


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Hi guys I was just wondering if anybody wanted to group up to do things such as Stronghold of Security and Waterfall Quest. It would just mean that we can all do them earlier without the chance of dying. Also when the time comes for Monkey Madness and Desert Treasure it would be a lot easier for those of use who want to do it without having a higher prayer level if there were people available to block the wolves and monkeys.

If any of you are interested just leave a message on here or PM me in game on Churmoil. I may end up setting up a clan chat or something to make this easier if enough people are interested.

Also if you have any other ideas for stuff that would be easier in a group just post away


join foe we group quest all day #maining


think we have all done them


Oh sweet, will be sure to join up some time


stunts 1337 for waterfall quest


Dt will need a group


I almost finished itlol


come on ts man when its active, late ur time probably

we have a bunch of people questing together

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