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August 2007 Guides

dispersed pk

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if you didn't know, you could access tip.it and runehq websites in August 2007 'edition'

tip.it link: http://web.archive.org/web/20070809011923/http://tip.it/runescape/

runehq link: http://wayback.archive.org/web/20070809012606/http://runehq.com/

if you don't want to follow the links, go onto Google and search

'tip it wayback machine' should be second link

'runehq wayback machine'

hope it all makes sense :)


thanks for this


Used to use those sites back in 2006 and stuff it owns :)


Oh thank's a lot. I love tip.it but i couldn't find it.

Str Lionspear

Thanks man, really helped on the questing bit.

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