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i tauntz i

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Just wondering what your short term goals are

Mine are

43farming for ranarr + 33? Herb for p pots

52agilty for crystal bow

40range + avas will then get 70range


50 range 50 mage 60 attack 40 str 31 prayer


60 range + currently going for ava


if i start again i will just do all quests pures need then slowly train my combat stats up together


Tbh make money. I want to get a nice net-worth before i start training combat.


Questing until bots come out, then mainly cb levels!


hmnnn short term goals are mith gloves, avas accum, and monkey madness for a lil bit further goal.


short term?

65 theif

use all my herbs

make more pots

make money


I want mith gloves by next week. And possibly start on dt or something.


40 attack 60 str 50 range 70 mage upto now and hopefully get fishing up along the way

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