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That time of the year

Avid Pker

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Well, I've never really had a main, only pures. I really want to be level 100. Should I start getting def? It would be easier to trade accounts, but no one will want on ownage pker like myself for a main. So, suggestions?


lol mains fail they get boring before 100cb dude in a main ur not gonan be able to pk will u could pk but ull get owned most of the times...so if u want to just skill and be a noob for a while then so be it but maisn do get fun at like 110+ so idk do what u want....if u want to have fun pking skill and join clans like foe and stuff then be 1 def....


don't get defence, stay pure.

I doubt you would get much for that account anyway..:whistle:


stay pure :D pures are much more fun than mains... got 119 main and before that it was 1 def, now i regret that i got def on him... would had ace 1 def pker now :/


lol mains fail they get boring before 100cb dude in a main ur not gonan be able to pk will u could pk but ull get owned most of the times...so if u want to just skill and be a noob for a while then so be it but maisn do get fun at like 110+ so idk do what u want....if u want to have fun pking skill and join clans like foe and stuff then be 1 def....

Couldn't of said it better myself. :sarcasm:

Don't get deff lol, your stats are way way to low, may aswell start a new account and make it your main.


Lol..100 cb mains are not fun. You need like 120 F2P cb to have fun in my opinion.

0wn str nico

stay pure on that make a new acc and make a main off that


id only get def with 70+ attack


Stay pure its pointless going main at that combat...


Stay pure its pointless going main at that combat...

also stay mauler for awhile, do pure quests, get some non cb up before u even consider it. Pking on a decent pure (atleast triple 85s - 94 mage especially) helps so much with pking knowledge as a main - switching etc.


pm me on irc il swap a main for that acc


If you get defence on that account I will kill a stick figure. DON'T DO IT

And as Zany said, I'd swap a main with you for it :Hi:


Mains arnt worth it, not nowadays anyway.

Adam | LayDown

your choice tbh


nooo dont get def bcome a range/maul pure :(

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