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Brutal Deth - Maxed Godsword Pure - Pk Video 6

Brutal Deth

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Hello, i haven't made a pk video in a really long time because i quit runescape for a really long time. I came back a couple of months ago and decided to max out and work on a new video, so here you go :).


Sweet Cyanide by Callenish Circle

The Mirrors Truth by In Flames

Cursed by Belief by Skyfire

Stats during the video:

Combat 89+12 or 101

75 attack

5 defence

99 strength

99 ranged

99 magic

99 hitpoints

52 prayer

99 summoning

Filefront link: http://www.filefront.com/14626291/pkvideo6.mp4/ STREAMING NOW

Youtube link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j9t3gar4cpE


Not my type of music, abit too flashy editing sometimes, starting with a 48 ags is nothing special,

but there were many very nice clips with the steel titan, really makes u want one xD

loved the clip quality and just the titan really lol,

very nice vid :)


Not my type of music, abit too flashy editing sometimes, starting with a 48 ags is nothing special,

but there were many very nice clips with the steel titan, really makes u want one xD

loved the clip quality and just the titan really lol,

very nice vid :)

Thanks for the reply :p

I'm not trying to show extremely high hits hehe, really hard to ko someone with 60+ ags spec, but umm i hoped you enjoyed it anyways.

What do you mean by more variation, i tried to show every type of pking :o, the only thing i didn't do is pk at the location east drags and west drags in there.


more variation in weapons was what i mainly meant, i edited it out of my reply though :p


Goood Pker, But Vid Was Bit Boring.


more variation in weapons was what i mainly meant, i edited it out of my reply though :p

Oh i see, i can't really use 60 attack weapons if that's what you mean. Tried using a g maul and a dds on 85 def with 75 attack? lol Yea i'm sorry but it's hard to use like anchor, obby maul, g maul and stuff on70+ def. I don't use dds much either unless non +1 worlds :o.

im thinking more range/corrupt etc O: but it was alright, hence why i removed it :p


its me n3l3 aka the black rapper yo waddup


You and dutch lmfao need to have a fight with agses and steel titans.


Very very nice vid. Liked the HD rs + epic titan :>


You and dutch lmfao need to have a fight with agses and steel titans.

or not cuz i already see dutch lose his ags again lel

i came buckets.

about time pures are getting 99summon and using it in wild. ^^

if you have the money (and are 78att or below) GET IT @@


This video has been removed due to terms of use violation.  =c


The vid got banned i think ;o ill watch when its back up


u was the best mauler from the begining and the best gs pure at the ending, epic vid, just epic


very very epic vid

nice summoning btw :D


This video has been removed due to terms of use violation.

Game son ?


This video has been removed due to terms of use violation.

Game son ?


Was a badass video not gonna lie 99 summoning rapes.


Nice vid summoning is pro


Great Vid, but doesnt really show you the real you.

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