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Brutal Deth - Maxed Godsword Pure - Pk Video 6

Brutal Deth

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i thought the video was really nice :) you make me want to get 99 summoning :o i plan on getting it on main since i got charms for 90 already :)

and by the looks of how iv seen you and dutch lmfao and others with your agses im jealous and think ill get 75 attack if i ever get the money for an ags :D


Miasmic overused imo, and not much variety in weapons/even location in a sense

Otherwise rly unique vid, Titan was entertaining


awesome vid with good editing and loving the combos with the ags/titan


Nice vid :)

Some pro-nage hits, but a bit repetitive.

& a bit of praying 1v1.



Nice vid :)

Some pro-nage hits, but a bit repetitive.

& a bit of praying 1v1.


Any suggestions on the repetitiveness?

I pray 1v1 whenever they pray first or if im getting attacked by multiple people.


I'm capped, but ima load this, looks sick ^^


that was frikken sweet, when ur titan killed the dude w/o you attacking at all, i was like LoLlkll


Watched now.. Music wasnt for me but that dont matter, first pure to really USE the summoning while fightin which was original i liked it.. but also lacking seeing you pk on ur own, maybe make next vid without summon? loved u as obby


Watched now.. Music wasnt for me but that dont matter, first pure to really USE the summoning while fightin which was original i liked it.. but also lacking seeing you pk on ur own, maybe make next vid without summon? loved u as obby

My goal was to mainly use summoning in the video :) When i use steel titan i see it as a weapon, not as another person. People get defence to have extra armor, i got summoning to have more weapons/support at my disposal  B).


meh dont really watch rs vids but i prefer old skl styles, dont like vids relying on claws/ags :X nice to see a change tho using summoning should encourage more people to get it


this is beast :o never knew summoning could actually help that much in fights. You nail 100s :o


ags + steel titan = skill?

Could you have picked worse music?


Also I'll give it a month before those are nerfed


ags + steel titan = skill?

Could you have picked worse music?

Runescape takes skill ok.

Could i care less?

Also I'll give it a month before those are nerfed

You know a lot...summoning has been out for over a year and a half now with how much damage it does.


loved it lol, but the music isnt my type


Nice vid, I watched your bh vids before ( Lol =P )

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