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Godswords in 07


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I heard they might consider introducing the Godswords into 07.

If this were to happen, what would be your feelings on the subject?

I personally would have very mixed feelings... Id be happy because they're fun to pk with. But at the same time I like whip/dds/maul being the best weapons in the game...


hope they dont

Same. I like that the obby maul and d2h are the hardest hitting weapons in the game atm.

Godswords - beginning of op weapons


i'm indifferent i couldn't care if they came back or did not come back


i think its a good idea, but for the FAR FUTURE :) , that way people have something to sink their coins and wealth into, i also hope for rares :) like phats and masks


cant w8 for dung x

God I hope not... that would piss me off.

Brady ~ I-X0-X0-I

i really hope not... keep it simple


im waiting for ovls


cant w8 for dung x

kill urself

Best 09 Pure

not gonna happen.


No godswords pls


Meh, i'd like godwars back. Pvm is pretty dead, and gwd events pretty fun time to time. + avianses was good money


thought they said gwd was one of the things not coming, aswell as ge etc


If they added them, they'd have to add GWD.

GWD was the original pvm for gold farming

But I hope clan wars is there, I want that. Haha. gamers grotto ftw

i would like them added.

I was more of a accurate kinda guy that's why I was always constant whipping when we mini'd or prep'd cuz whips rip str8 through melee pray


i thought theyd keep it original.

eventhough I would not mind godswords themselves


they should just leave the game as it is no new updates or anything its fun trying to get that amazing dds spec being the best pk spec including g maul


GS was one of the first things that actually killed RS.

Overpowered as fuck if you ask me.

So no, I don't think so


Wasn't the reason they changed to EoC because of unbalanced combat styles?

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