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sup im fuury

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sup im fuury

Will Give Some one Free gps to help.

Swifkit doesnt work for me for some reason says it cant be written to disk, is there an online alternative? Mirc was quite complex, im a noob at those.

Also whats the TS3 info?


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1. Wrong section. Rs gen for runescape related talk.

2. I saw this and just downloaded to see if I would get your problem, instead it installed and loaded perfect no problems. My advice is uninstal, reset and redownload to your "local disk drive ©" or main hard drive. If this problem still occurs check swift kits frequently asked questions for a sollution.

3. TS3 is team speak "http://www.teamspeak.com/" its like skype but without the video calling and less laggy and easier to use. Ts3 is the new version with new features.

Hope this helped, keep the gp. Just help others in the community when you can. GL

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