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f2p pkin will be fun barrin no idiots get 30 def for addy lol


I want this the most:

4. Pressing enter on login will log you in rather than having to click.

I voted for F2P Worlds to.


i want the tab to reply to a pm and f2p and enter to login


lool what would bedankt say


Voted, I like the idea of membership only F2P worlds. This will limit botters, scammers and such.


Voted yes to everything but grimy herbs an run option

Its zeh noob

all yes


Voted, hope the roofs are removed so fkn annoying.


Why so many people hating on grimy?

Instant - Oli

I voted yes to all to be honest none were really bad updates that affect us


i voted, only thing that still is not sure is the herb thing, rest are all yes

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