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Great sigs

Great Dusan

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My "dude" signature is from a PG-13 movie, and thus the MPAA has deemed it not nudity; just for the record. Agree with removing actual nudity and such from the site for the sake of ads/rules.

Pretty sure we're allowed the majority of what's on here otherwise sefket would of been on our asses lukey

He knows better than to touch my ass

He knows better than to not touch mine.


Beastmode African-American woman below

Best sig hands down.


is my new sig too revealing?

Great Dusan

Thank you True Whip for clearing up where I originate.

More on me: Well yes, quit RS before 2007 because PKing was getting weak with barrow gloves and 11 defence + didn't want to get 20 def. Also I played for too long a time and needed to make a break.

Nowadays, I train a pure when I have the time. Still if you have any more questions PM me in game.

Ich Wilder my history goes back to the days before barrow gloves, PC introduction, I Mahatma I etc.

He inspired me to make a pure, and then beat him for his whip ;)


wb dusan

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