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G maul? and 70 range question.


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Is G maul nerfed and how long will it take me to go from 61-70 range?

Quick thread-Quick ansewres.


Not too sure about the G maul thing, but I have noticed a lack and hit with them.

Also 61-70 shouldn't take too long because I went from 40 range to 70 in a day. :victory:


Its not nerfed and itl take u a couple days if u chill widit


G maul is nerfed, i've been using it to pk lately and works fine.


well andrew in some Q&A mentioned that they are planning to change how hit engine works but i think they havent done that already :D

and about lvling range huuummm it took me ~1 week like lvling range for ~30 - 60 mins each day i think :D


i got one hit at 62 combat with 70 hp, i don't think it's nerfed.


well andrew in some Q&A mentioned that they are planning to change how hit engine works but i think they havent done that already :D

and about lvling range huuummm it took me ~1 week like lvling range for ~30 - 60 mins each day i think :D

noone plays for 30 - 60 mins a day... at least not everyday.

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