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FML.. Lmfao

Noobi meh

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So im f2p pking and I killed this guy and its not my loot...Posted Image

I go out of wildy look back and this guys like "OMFGGGGGG!!!" and starts spammin "@@@@@@@@@@@" Im like whats his problem and I noticed he was the guy who got my loot.. He trades me and he has a frikken corrupt dba phr33 2.8m for nothing ftw? Lmfao he must of wet his pants ahh well he must of needed it more than me  :nice:

Share your unlucky rs moments  ^_^

Also Id like to add this haha it was funny. He was 30 hp, I was 3hp we both hit at same time I hit a 30 with corrupt baxe he obvs hit a 3 :)

I ran back to loot my own loot and i lose no ep haha

Posted Image


Lol, bit of a cool story situation.



Lol, bit of a cool story situation.




Probably a noob who cant afford a rune 2h

Now, hes buying full rune g N going to pk with that.

FYL though


Lol, bit of a cool story situation.




Pretty much the same happend to be. ^^ Was in edge 1v1ing a guy and a PKer with addy pj's me and I decided try KO this guy, 5 hits and I got a KO on him and this guy I was 1v1ing got the loot, a dbaxe.

Did loot a dbaxe earlier that day so weren't that pissed off :)


Free 2.8M for doing nothing? Obviously he did something he did more damage than you.


Ouch shame, ive taken a liking to f2p recently.


Lol, bit of a cool story situation.



Chad v2  ^_^

Game :P

Unlucky that it wasn't your kill though : (



Free 2.8M for doing nothing? Obviously he did something he did more damage than you.

Obvs he did somert before me but Im seying at the time he wasnt doing anything. If i had not killed him he probs wouldnt of got dba. So stfu and stop trying to be clever :)


lately, ive bin killin people but not gettin the kill message, they run back and pick up there stuff, its happened to me once were i got pjed and died, ran back and got my full invent back, its just glitched sometimes and fucked up ---gf pures

Shh I R Busy

Coulda Been Your Dbaxe :p

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