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Rock Japside Vid 3


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Tbh im pretty pissed off, he took 3 weeks to edit this, he missed out 50% of decent clips, there was none of the 10 of me zuriel maging in there. over exaggerated the shit ones of 1 itemers just big specs etc he didnt use the songs i specifically sent him

AND, he saved my old avatar of me maul rushing the guy in void and put it in the vid so no doubt im gonna get in more shit

probably going to ask him to take down

rate/hate whateverrr


yea, gotta admit i dont like the whole repping it as a foe vid, and then having a tele clips, also i know u have much better clips then that from what i see u pking and ur avatar alone.

Some of the editting was iffy a bit too, like pointless flashes or jumping around the screen also some clips dragged

that aside i didnt mind watching it all :P


Not a bad vid at all, tele was weird L but some nice kills i like the statius/fury ones n that, gj in general liked the first song aswell

Richard (Jub)

Please take that clip off, it makes us look so bad.


ill remove it if u want and get mackie/fail mate to edit it hit me up on msn if u want i only uploaded it to spite the guy who fucked me over

he basically made the vid total shit

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