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Meanwhile in Australia


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There is something wrong in Australia.

A country used as a dumping ground for criminals which over time turned into pretty much "only country that doesn't go to war or cause shit/drama".

Id say they need these crazy guys to even out the county 

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There is something wrong in Australia.

A country used as a dumping ground for criminals which over time turned into pretty much "only country that doesn't go to war or cause shit/drama".

Id say they need these crazy guys to even out the county

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There is something wrong in Australia.

A country used as a dumping ground for criminals which over time turned into pretty much "only country that doesn't go to war or cause shit/drama".

Id say they need these crazy guys to even out the county 

gareth stop mis using quotation marks ffs

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There is something wrong in Australia.

A country used as a dumping ground for criminals which over time turned into pretty much "only country that doesn't go to war or cause shit/drama".

Id say they need these crazy guys to even out the county 

gareth stop mis using quotation marks ffs

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