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In this thread ill be posting advantages and disadvantages of training spots and why you should do one method over the other.

Posted (edited)

Alching                                                                                          Bursting

Cheaper/ saves money                                                                 Faster

Burns more calories from clicking                                                 Semi afkable

55 Mage Req                                                                           70 mage req and dt (and started mm if you do monkeys)

Prices are unstable                                                                       Easy to buy runes at a constant price

No other req other then 55 mage                                                 43 prayer is strongly reccomended

Anyone can do it                                                              if you have done mm and are 1 defence you can't at ape atoll    

cheap                                                                                            Expensive as fuck

Edited by Pures Wildy
sup im fuury

good idea :)!

Posted (edited)

Range Training(70-80)


41k xp/h(using iron knives)

No drops at all

Cheap and fast

not too exciting

A lot of crashers

not very afkable

Creature of Fenkenstrain must be started


Blue Dragons(Watchtower Spot)

34k xp/h(using mith bolts)

Guaranteed Dragon bone/Blue d hide every kill

76k cash/h (may vary with prices)

Semi afkable

Generally very empty

Safe Spotted no food required

Makes you money while giving range xp

Watchtower quest must be completed



25k-30k xp/h (iron arrows)

No requirements to kill them

No Guarantee of making money

semi afkable

safe spotable

very crouded

Cheap to go

anywhere from 0-400k/h depending on your luck with drops

Edited by Pures Wildy

u forgot to mention alching is cheap and bursting is expensive as fuck


More will be coming as the week goes on


I lol'd at the alching one.


good idea this will help a lot keep the spots coming




Good idea but please mention what for example range lvl u on ;) 

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