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Just starting..


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Hey y'all, just need some tips of which quests to do in order for my pure. I used to be in foe way back when but I am in college now and don't have the time. I'm starting so late because jagex took a huge shit on my mac, and apparently I was not competent enough to fix my client. But now I figured it out so I'm pumped!! Please I just need some advice on which quests to do first 


Use tip.it, or zybez and find out what quest you can do as a low level pure. Also, look at the rewards, that's very important, I would suggest getting some money first. 


WHAT the person above me said.


like said already, you can find guides for this stuff which are very useful.

Mith gloves and ancients are prolly most important to get.


Ok i understand what I have to do what I'm trying to get at is what are some easy non req quests or watever to do righ off the bat


there is a guide on which quests you shud do in the guides section :D


Thanks guys. Here's a quick update:


Finished DP, Grand Tree, and Waterfall yesterday, along with Cook's Assistant and Goblin Diplomacy.


Current Stats: 39 Atk, 30 str, 18 Range, 34 Magic, 14 HP, 31 Agil, 1 Rest of Stats


Good luck on questing & training

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