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Inb4 You cry. Chaox and Dyrus say their goodbyes.


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L0L what even went on i dont understand


Reginald the captain of Team Solo Mid kicked Chaox from the team, and Dyrus (The big one) was like his best friend and they lived together for 2 years, and Chaox had to move out and that was their last goodbyes. :/ Sad moment


Chaox started partying/goin with girls durin practice time.


He got booted from team.


Dyrus gf was in hospital so he was proper emotional.


Chaox came to say goodbye and he started crying.


You fags not watch gamecribs?


Yeah sad moment. But Chaox said he has about 40 offers to do all sorts of things so that's good.




The player who replaced him [wildturtle] got a penta his first game


adn they won the weekend 3-0


Read his side of story: http://www.in2lol.com/en/news/7967-chaox-finally-says-his-piece




Manly tears, i was so gutted.

Wth whildturtle they have won every game pretty much but..... Chaox mentality, personality and overall rawness of kindness is what made me love him as a person. I was so sad when I saw this pic and read this story. 


I dont feel sorry for him.


You come to a job drunk or stop working becuase someone wants you, your going to get firedl. Whether this is in a 'normal' job or a proffesional gamer.


When regi said your off the team, he said it was due to their conflicting attitudes [they always argue etc] and when he was like "no its not like that, it doesnt have to be like that" i felt bad for the guy.


He will probs join Cloud 9 or form a new team with TheRainMan and PhantomL0rd Nhat Nyugen


choax adc

phantom mid

wingsofdeath top


and for fucking lulz maybe perfectz shaco jungle ;)

but first 3 would be perfect. But yeah fully agree dan he deserved to get kicked but its still sad to see such a nice guy broken


Salce Mid... Cmon now.


But he's probably gonna go to Asia. 


wtf are all of u talking about


league on a whole new level


Dam that made me sad


i liked chaox but i feel like tsm will be better now :/

Nearly Godz

We'll see if Wildturtle can keep up the good work.

I really liked Chaox aswell but yeah he made a mistake by wanting to party that made him come late to his job.


gf bank

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