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99 Woodcutting.

Elven Dremor

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Elven Dremor

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Fucking love Ivy.

That's to Harley and Demon that came to grats me.

Oh, Gotta add a tracker - Like always.

[All] EXP gains for Elven_Dremor in the last 1wk: Overall +4,161,737 | Attack(99) +598 | Strength(99) +9,148 | Hitpoints(99) +12,463 | Ranged(99) +15,748 | Magic(99) +14,573 | Cooking(99) +3,150 | Woodcutting(95->98) +3,579,912 | Firemaking(99) +14,845 | Crafting(80->82) +464,200 | Herblore(75)


Alright, so next 99 is crafting, doing Air Battlestaffs, if you have a spare G.E slot, and a bit of leftover cash, buy me some battlestaffs MID.

They buy 100 per 4hrs, need as much help as I can get, try to bulk up on them tho before asking me to buy, so around 500 or more is good. PM me on IRC - [Foe]Elven_Dremor, Thanks to the people that choose to help me.

Richard (Jub)

Nice Ownage congrats =]


Grats Elven, how much exp an hour was you getting at Ivy?


grats man :)

good luck on 99 crafting, ill try and help out with the b staffs :)


Legendary. Good luck on crafting you will make or lose shit ton's of money just depends if you get lazy or not.

Elven Dremor

Legendary. Good luck on crafting you will make or lose shit ton's of money just depends if you get lazy or not.

Lost roughly like 40-50M, nothing that much to worry about, definitely won't gain money.


Gratz Elven  :D

I've seen u very often chopping ivy last days when I was farming my yews there ;)

Gl on Crafting!

Elven Dremor

Gratz Elven  :D

I've seen u very often chopping ivy last days when I was farming my yews there ;)

Gl on Crafting!

Hehe awesome, thanks.


grats, will you ever get a 99 that is somewhat challenging to get, like slayer or rc?

Creamie pies

Gratz, now change you're sig =D

hunt godlink

Nice...#2 skiller in foe ^_^

Gratz Elvie '-'

Elven Dremor

Gratz, now change you're sig =D

Did  :lol:


grats, will you ever get a 99 that is somewhat challenging to get, like slayer or rc?

will YOU? get one angel.. >_>


get 99 theiving bruh sexy 99 is sexy

Elven Dremor

grats, will you ever get a 99 that is somewhat challenging to get, like slayer or rc?

Lol, Runecrafting is a joke, nice cape tho, and 99 Slayer will come, 87 currently, but I have other plans and goals to complete before that comes.


Congrats, been cutting ivy myself but only for 70-80, whats exp/hr rate at 95+?


Nice whats ur total lv?



Have one of my fav skill/ skill capes :(

lol vnice man.

How much xp Ivy gives..? Is it new? o.O


Congratz : )

Gl With Crafting


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