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Sub 4 Sub.


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     Hey for all you new video makers, I'll be doing sub 4 sub, basically this means when you sub my Youtube, I will sub yours. Some people don't like this, some people do like this, to be honest it's alright with me. I think of it this way, you need subscribers to get known and video views. To start you off, you can simply open up to a community such as this, which I'm doing. So yes, I will be video making in the future, so far I haven't made any 07 yet, because I'm racking clips later, but I will be doing sub 4 sub. Every channel that subscribes to "Youtube.com/DominatusTM" will be subbed back.

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In order to have people know that you have content you need subscribers, I know channels that have 2 subscribers, but have amazing content. Why do you think big Youtubers usually have to shout out small channels that they believe have amazing content, because no one will ever notice them otherwise. Now it's different for someone to have around 100 subscribers or what not, because then people will probably click on the channel, then you should be concerned if people like your videos or not. You might agree or disagree, but I still like the idea of new Youtubers being able to help out one another, with just a simple click.

Edited by DominatusTM
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