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What grinds your gears?

NR Doe

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I hate when my mom comes in my room..and then leaves the door open L.

What about you guys?

Just post whatever really pisses you off.

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Doing a massive photoshop/after effects production and as I think "I should save this" it crashes  :angry2: Then you try redo it but was never as good as the first time.

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Stupid people
The government (notice those two are right next to each other)
When people chew with their mouth open.
People who smack their lips when they talk.
Metro sexual men. Nothing wrong with being gay I just hate the fashion sense.
People who talk or text on their phone while driving. 
And I hate it when my friends screw with me while I'm trying to go to the bathroom.
All those "male enhancement" ads 
And all those "what's the normal size of a penis?" questions. Use the damn search function people! I can tell you its been asked before!

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Stupid people

The government (notice those two are right next to each other)



tbh they're not next to eachother


one's above the other/below the other

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Stupid people

The government (notice those two are right next to each other)



tbh they're not next to eachother


one's above the other/below the other

Got 'em

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End Poverty

'there are only two things i can't stand in this world: people are intolerant of other peoples cultures, and the dutch'

lol- inb4 backlash from uknowwho




uhm people who are like 'ohhh what are you a conspiracy theorist??'

- everything can have a conspiracy, people conspire, governments conspire, gulf of tonkin was a conspiracy, the manhattan project was a conspiracy, the wording of it has a negative connotation because they dont want people talking about certain things

people who are apathetic

people who aren't empathetic

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