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LCS All star votes?


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Posted (edited)

Might seem like a m5/tsm fan  :biggrin:  :laugh:




Damn.. All 3 of em deserve it tbh

Edited by X0

Voted all tsm cus im fanboy

Imaqtpie is a weird lookin fuk btw

Posted (edited)

Whoever wins the All star game wins a third spot for their server.



Top: Darien

Jungle: Diamondprox

Mid: Froggen

ADC: YellowPete

Support: EdWard



Top: Voyboy

Jungle: Saint

Mid: Scarra

ADC: Doublelift

Support: The CRS guy

Edited by DeltaPapa

Shame its a popularity contest though and not who is best.


didn't vote for NA since i dont really follow it


Froggen for best mid, Krepo support, Cyanide jungle, Kev1n for top and TheTess for adc


Bit of biased votes from my side, i just like those players ^^


But yeah, so many players would deserve the best mid EUW. Bjergsen has had huge impact and is still my fav, xPekes been doing awesome plays, dat Kassadin backdoor for example and Alex Ichs been constantly decent. Picked Froggen though.



Top: Voyboy

Mid: Scarra

Jungle: Theoddone

Support: Aphromoo

Adc: Wildturtle



Top: Darien

Mid: Froggen

Jungle: Diamondprox

Support: Krepo

Adc: Yellowpete


didn't vote for NA since i dont really follow it


Froggen for best mid, Krepo support, Cyanide jungle, Kev1n for top and TheTess for adc


Bit of biased votes from my side, i just like those players ^^


But yeah, so many players would deserve the best mid EUW. Bjergsen has had huge impact and is still my fav, xPekes been doing awesome plays, dat Kassadin backdoor for example and Alex Ichs been constantly decent. Picked Froggen though.

krep and Cyanide :o wtf lol.


didn't vote for NA since i dont really follow it


Froggen for best mid, Krepo support, Cyanide jungle, Kev1n for top and TheTess for adc


Bit of biased votes from my side, i just like those players ^^


But yeah, so many players would deserve the best mid EUW. Bjergsen has had huge impact and is still my fav, xPekes been doing awesome plays, dat Kassadin backdoor for example and Alex Ichs been constantly decent. Picked Froggen though.

krep and Cyanide :o wtf lol.

like i said, its bit biased since i didnt vote for the skills, Krepos really cool lad and Cyanides from Finland mate

Posted (edited)


didn't vote for NA since i dont really follow it


Froggen for best mid, Krepo support, Cyanide jungle, Kev1n for top and TheTess for adc


Bit of biased votes from my side, i just like those players ^^


But yeah, so many players would deserve the best mid EUW. Bjergsen has had huge impact and is still my fav, xPekes been doing awesome plays, dat Kassadin backdoor for example and Alex Ichs been constantly decent. Picked Froggen though.

krep and Cyanide :o wtf lol.

like i said, its bit biased since i didnt vote for the skills, Krepos really cool lad and Cyanides from Finland mate


Ahh fair enough for cyanide. I just love the thresh prince of Ed Ward.


The EU team dominate on a personal level, but the language is so mucked up lol.


Your going to have russian jungle/support, a spanish mid, and then a english top lol. Each of these can only speak their languages and no other.

Edited by DeltaPapa

lol what a hero


Dunno if you've seen snoopeh at all, but hes been pressing this steam/exercise thing. Like every kill = 5 sit ups. Death = 10 push ups. Assit = Star jumps


Someone posted this lol




lol what a hero


Dunno if you've seen snoopeh at all, but hes been pressing this steam/exercise thing. Like every kill = 5 sit ups. Death = 10 push ups. Assit = Star jumps


Someone posted this lol



haha thats awesome


lol what a hero


Dunno if you've seen snoopeh at all, but hes been pressing this steam/exercise thing. Like every kill = 5 sit ups. Death = 10 push ups. Assit = Star jumps


Someone posted this lol



haha thats awesome

Posted (edited)



Top: Wickd

Support: Edward

Jungle: Snoopeh

ADC: YellowStar

Mid: xPeke





Top: Voyboy

Support: Xpecial

Jungle: TheOddOne

ADC: Zuna(probably the most underrated ADC, his Kog'Maw/Tristana/just late game power overall is fucking huge)

Mid: Scarra

Edited by Drewz

Shame its a popularity contest though and not who is best.

Nearly Godz


Top: Dyrus

Mid: L1nk

Jungle: TheOddone

Support: Xpecial

Adc: Cop



Top: Soaz

Mid: Alex ich

Jungle: Diamondprox

Support: Krepo

Adc: TheTess

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