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Go vote so pures can get addy gloves!!!




Love u tony first btw


No to addy gloves tbh


i voted yes for addy gloves


No to addy gloves tbh


Merged topics + moved to rs general. Don't need multiple topics.


Voted btw.


oh, and this also gives people opportunity to go chin if u completed quest


Merged topics + moved to rs general. Don't need multiple topics.

Voted btw.

ur a hero

Voted no.


Chose to not get d scim but be able to chin. The pure > addy glove option isn't 07, so nop.


GO VOTE EVERYONE! It's not looking likely to happen right now. Vote so we can get addy gloves and chin.


Will vote, thanks for informing me


Vote yes to addy gloves cunts.

J o n n n y

I voted yes to everything, because there's no reason not too.


hell no. its not even 07. na bro 


fuck addy gloves on pures.


Voted yes for errything


Merged topics + moved to rs general. Don't need multiple topics.

Voted btw.

ur a hero

Don't post off topic shit or I mute you. 



YES TO ADDY GLOVES. i was a dumass and finished MM with my 70 range. 




Use this thread to discuss what your opinions are. Please refrain from being narrow-minded, such as "if you want updates play EOC"


Question 1: Some additional OldSchool worlds will be added, with F2P restrictions applied so that clans and PKers can engage in PVP combat in the Wilderness without members’ items or abilities. The worlds will remain accessible only to RuneScape members. Players who do not wish to use these worlds would not be required to visit them, and the world-picker would not send people to these worlds who had not manually selected them.


Question 2: Improve the pathfinding/routefinding code to prevent the bugs where players run back and forth and dance around large npcs when trying to fight them.


Question 3: Update some of the training obstacles, such as pipes, at various agility courses to allow multiple players to use them simultaneously.


Question 4: Holding down the mouse wheel button will allow you to rotate the camera, like the arrow keys do.


Question 5: The list of activities (e.g trading, Castle Wars) from the themed worlds forum post will be added to the world select pages.


Question 6: If a world is full, players trying to log into it will be placed in a queue, rather than having to repeatedly login until there is space.


Question 7: While you are trading with another player, their chat messages will be copied to your Trade chat tab so that you can read them more easily.


Question 8: Players will be permitted to return to Ape Atoll without claiming the Defence XP reward of the Monkey Madness quest, allowing pures to attempt the monkey chapter of Recipe for Disaster.


Question 9: If you cast a second alchemy spell while a previous alchemy spell is still in progress, the second spell is queued up to run when the first one finishes. This would not queue up more than one spell at any time.



My opinion:


1 Yes, this is what the majority wanted previously, a lot of people got confused with the question

2 Yes, I can't see how this can be a bad thing; running backwards and forwards gets ridiculously annoying

3 Yes, in a populated world this gets annoying, I can't see how this is a bad thing.

4 Yes, I'm suprised at the amount of no's. I can't see how this is a bad thing, since you don't have to do it if you dont want to

5 Yes, I'm puzzled at how on earth you can vote no for this

6 Doesn't really affect me, so I put yes (wish there was a vote to abstain)

7 Yes, Can't see how this is a bad thing

8 Yes, Unlocks more content for pures, and doesn't make things gamebreaking

9 Not overly fussed, so voted yes.



Voted no.


Chose to not get d scim but be able to chin. The pure > addy glove option isn't 07, so nop.



Can always chin at the Shilo Village dungeon anyway


i doubt it.


all yes or do not really care.

I do not mind mass clicking on logg in.

I do not care about alchs as I autoclick them

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