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april update


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[p] April 4th, 2013 - What's going on guys, going to bring you all a quick update as I am rather busy irl lately. Basically been training a lot of farming and a little bit of Slayer, not too much Slayer. Also, I've been doing a good amount of questing, knocking down some annoying/tough ones. Eventually, I will have completed all the quests possible that I can do. Don't know if you guys watched my "Underrated Pyrefiends - Clues" video, but I talked about losing bearhead and what I would do about it. Turns out Mountain Daughter gives 2k Prayer xp, which I do not want so I ended up doing Elemental Workshop I & II in order to access Mind Helmet which gives +6 Mage Defence. Definitely not as good and sucks that I lost bearhelm, but this will do for the time being. I did manage to complete Underground Pass which took a long time and quite frankly, whoever wrote that quest is a sicko since it's just very dark and made to disallow 12 year old's from sleeping. Eventually I beat it and then as I said I've been Farming and keeping my Farming/Firemaking/Woodcutting all equal so that I can burn/chop/plant all the same things. I've been dishing out a solid amount of cash on Herblore/Farming which is a solid investment as they are some of my favourite skills and they actually make me cash back. That's how I was able to afford my fury, if you haven't seen it, check the video out on my youtube channel. I basically tried to get all the requirements for Desert Treasure and the last one was 53 Thieving which I knocked down so I can go forward with the quest whenever I find the time and energy. My buddy Jared pked a zerker ring and full black (g) at 42 combat, that lucky mofo. That made me really want to start staking/pking, so might have to focus a little more on combat soon. I also released another youtube video about how I did Tarn's Lair for the Salve Amulet (e). Take a look and be on the lookout for more vids, I have one in the making![/p]




Edited by Canadian
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