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Clever Child

Nooooo way.


I think this is a keylogger...

Pixel Pigeon

I voted yes.


People who vote no:

perhaps jagex should make it so you can only use internet explorer, lower versions of java and no macs ^_^


Who in their right mind would use a mac? I'll take windows 95 + internet explorer before I use a mac.




This is stupid. 


Why would you want 07 back with NEW FEATURES.


Next it will be GE, then GWD and overpowered shit then EOC again and oh wait, IT'S THE SAME FUCKING THING AS NORMAL RS.



What he said


voted no, wouldn't feel like 07 with pures having addy gloves.


Tbh addy gloves would be nice but it just seems like people cba to either get them or people r just trolling and not voting for them cuz you need 70 cooking and people probs cbf to get it, i dont understand why people r so selfish tho and dont just vote yes so we can chin and stuff


Tbh addy gloves would be nice but it just seems like people cba to either get them or people r just trolling and not voting for them cuz you need 70 cooking and people probs cbf to get it, i dont understand why people r so selfish tho and dont just vote yes so we can chin and stuff

Stop grave digging ^


half the newfags in this topic actually voted yes but posted no


tbh all you people complaining about an 07 server having new features


these things came out practically weeks after the date we're stuck at...


I voted yes.


People who vote no:

perhaps jagex should make it so you can only use internet explorer, lower versions of java and no macs ^_^



i still say we pures need the advantage of +1str and slash to beat rune pures at higher lvl pking... so vote yes


the fuck happened to the no more updates after 07

Welcome to Jagexs world. Full of lies. I can't wait for this game to die already.
You are such a emo sefket

fuck addy gloves! ha jk

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