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[Rs2007] Phtp Latest Video Enjoy :)


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Pure House Training Party's  /  6Years Hosting Strong!!



Enjoy our latest Phtp video :)


What is phtp?

Is when pures get together @ a "player owner house" and atk each other in the combat ring, is a great way to earn experience and have fun @ the same time. I'm pretty sure you get bored atking same monster over and over after few hours thats why there is PHTP where u can do many things such as specing with diff weps and trying out all your weps on people before your trying them out in the PK World :) and other things like making tabs/using other stuff in the Player Owner House.


How to find us?


Freind/Clan Chat: Phtp_Channel

Swiftirc: #PHTP

Site: Not released yet


Kingrang3194 in #Zybez / #Zybezevent

Seaniii in #PHTP


" We aren't a Clan/Team, is a community for PURES to train in the "Player Owner House"





We looking for experiences PHTP Members, to join the Phtp Team to help out. We can use all the support we can get right now since we doin phtp in 2007Scape :) We currently have 30 Hoster atm 

Remember this u don't have to be a hoster to be in the TEAM if u want in please pm "Kingrang3194 or Seaniii"

Edited by Phtp

I'm going to have to party at your house mate. I like the song you used LMFAO, it's like the perfect song for a fighting ring.


cant believe i wasted 7 mins of my life watching that


Man.. I remember the good ole dats of training at phtp... can't wait to start that back up! :)


might come do it some time

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