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Release of F2P Servers: Opinions/Thoughts?


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As many of you guys know F2P Servers will be coming out soon.


Results as of 7 Est, Monday April 8th, 2013



The poll ends Wednesday, April 10th, 2013 meaning that the servers will probably be introduced by early next week (guess).


What are your opinions on how this will affect clanning and in general Pking?


Personally, I think that loads of clans will strive with the release of F2P Servers while other strive in P2P. The benefit of F2P is that if someone crashes you can actually put up fights. You can be within 10-15 of a clan and still win if you have a good mentality and core fighting. I loved f2p warring, and it was one of the favorite times of clanning for me. Miniwars were not so big on my part, but big 40 vs 40 preps and fullout wars where the shit. I also think that F2P takes a lot more skill clanning wise, than relying on stats and gear.


Thoughts ... ?


i think this is a great update.


F2p based clans that opened on 07 will most likely go back 2 f2p


Will be interesting to have F2p wars


no f2p sucks wiener 


but it will go through anyways


lol inb4 everyone says great update but u pull like 20/100 ml


f2p is only fun for matched/full out wars imo 


I like the idea of diversity, and as a g mauler I will have high strength for F2P pking.


Personally I love f2p so yeah.


Idk i dont want these to take up my saturdays but preps are cool etc


Personally I love f2p so yeah.


great  update as i was able to buy 20k swordfish when the poll came out time to get ready to merch


I think Zenith will reopen ;) 


addy glove update is better

R 4 P 1 D Z

its always fun to have a bit of both f2p and p2p


I think Zenith will reopen ;)

Expected control scum

Cp probably going to migrate 2 f2p


Will be fun missed f2p pking


I think F2P clanwars are the best.


Shows real tanking skills (talking about main clans here)

Haven't had a f2p clanwar as a pure for a long time

End Poverty

shout out to how successful fatality was in f2p, led by 3 hit u pure, rage cutter,and flash cutter

Brady ~ I-X0-X0-I

f2p warring is so much fun


its an option to be looked at when it is here clearly.


sometimes good to have f2p but over all i prefer p2p more since u have much more options but sometimes p2p gets boring so f2p would be great 

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