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First time playing


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I need good helpful tips. Please enlighten me on a good idea to start. Should I try to master one guy right away or what.


get def so u dont need to use much food also steel is fooking boss


get 2def

u will be twice the tank


Make bronze armor and sell to general store


was ganna say you guy's are mean but.... i saw his forum rank.


Try sticking to a champion you like at the beginning experiment with the current free ones. Do a lot of normal games against bot characters on easy mode


i might try out too

ya im chase

watch livestreams. and play a lot. its a pretty simple game


lol u league virgin

play alistar you can get him for free by subscribing to riots youtube channel hes mad good for tanky champ :P


:* jon


try one of the champions that are recommended

these champions are pretty strong and have some abilities that are easy to use

you can stick to one champion but it'll get boring in the long run, but you'll probably win more games depending on what champion you picked



Just learn how to stay alive and what to build on the right champs.


Dont spend your IP, use that on runes when you become level 20.


Play the free weak champs


oh yh, good tip:

NEVER attack an opponent at the turret, the tower will aggro you and will do heaps of damage(only champs, not minions lol)

just google "league" tips or something it'll probably be useful


play all the free ones, if there is a particular one you really like.. buy it and stick to it until you get the basics of league then expand out and try different champs :cool:


get 2def

u will be twice the tank


i wouldve helped u but u stealing my name

regards, diamond i


i wouldve helped u but u stealing my name

regards, diamond i

I was here first :tongue:  Anyways someone took Sniping on league so i'm not impressed.


add me xltwinkie


ill play with u and show u a few things :]


Rule #2 dont listen to andrew


Just learn how to stay alive and what to build on the right champs.


Dont spend your IP, use that on runes when you become level 20.


Play the free weak champs


Just learn how to stay alive and what to build on the right champs.


Dont spend your IP, use that on runes when you become level 20.


Play the free weak champs

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