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Rares - How they will be introduced

II Alek II


35 members have voted

  1. 1. Which option do you want?

    • 1.Distribute them using similar mechanics as you did before (dropping them, holiday events)
    • 2.Appear as a very rare reward from a treasure trails
    • 3.Distribute them through very rare monster drops
    • 4.Have an NPC shop you can buy rare items from for a small amount of GP
    • 5.Have an NPC shop you can buy rare items from for a large amount of GP
    • 6.Have them given out as rewards from community events
    • 7.Give one of each rare item to every old school player
    • 8.Have them appear as very rare drops when skilling
    • 9.Introduce new seasonal events for each of them

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Posted (edited)

Once again - I am keeping you guys in the loop for the future of 07Scape. Hopefully you find this information useful.

Original Article



Clarifying what rare items are is easy, here’s a list:

  • Tradeable Rare Items
    • Easter eggs from 2002
    • Pumpkin from 2001
    • Halloween masks
    • Santa Hat
    • Christmas crackers
    • Party Hats
    • Disk of returning
    • Half full wine jug
  • Untradeable Rare Items
    • Bunny ears
    • Scythe
    • Yo-yo
    • Rubber Chicken
    • Zombies Head
    • Hats and Scarves from Christmas 2005
    • Marionettes
    • Easter ring
    • Skeleton set
    • Jack lantern’s mask
    • Reindeer hat
    • Wintumber tree



The current version of the polls and the dates for when these will happen are listed below. We’d love to get your feedback on these.

Rare Item Poll 1 (To run from midday from 11th April 2013 to midday 18th April)


1. Would you like rare items return in some form?

2. If you vote for rare items to return, would you like the currently tradeable rare items to remain tradeable?




Rare Item Poll 2 (To run from midday from 18th April 2013 to midday 25th April)

Which of these ways would you like rare items to be distributed? Each of these questions have a yes or no answer.


1. Distribute them using similar mechanics as you did before (dropping them, holiday events)

2. Appear as a very rare reward from a treasure trails

3. Distribute them through very rare monster drops

4. Have an NPC shop you can buy rare items from for a small amount of GP

5. Have an NPC shop you can buy rare items from for a large amount of GP

6. Have them given out as rewards from community events

7. Give one of each rare item to every old school player

8. Have them appear as very rare drops when skilling

9. Introduce new seasonal events for each of them

Edited by II Alek II
Posted (edited)

I do think rares should be introduced , but i really have NO idea on how they should be introduced tho , that's pretty hard imo



edit ; Can you give us an update on Addy's / F2P ETC?

Edited by Marc

I dont want the rares to come back. We dont need another inflation of some sort of an item that can potentially ruin and economy, when all people are spending their money on is rares.

If they do come back, make them come from a clue scroll as an extremely rare drop, or else its too easy to get.


thanks for the information :)


sucks! i dont miss them and they do nothing for you but show u have some money..


I wouldn't mine if they dropped them in the party room until they matched the amount there were in 2007.


I support this - 4. Have an NPC shop you can buy rare items from for a small amount of GP


i like 7.


everyone wins


they arent "rares"




i picked number 7 considering i was thinking about this a while ago


Poll 1:





Edit later, g2g now


I think as a rare drop from certain monsters over a short period of time would be fair. Could also incorporate this into skilling aswell so skillers arent left out.

Hard job on jagex's behalf though ;/


Only care about bunneh ears


4/9..have them as what jagex initially had planned years ago. just cosmetic items for show; not worth anything


Moved to rs general. We're a community not just a clan ~ Sefket


i would vote no on rares.


Leave em out, or 7 or make em untraeable


voting no for rares

Ready Ok FOE

if every player gets a rare its not a rare anymore lmfao..


From clue scrolls at an extremely rare rate, all types of clues too, then it's fair for any level to get one. But in a way i suppose if there are low level skillers etc it isn't fair to them, I'd probably say generate them from an event or a extremely rare random type thing similar to a drag imp you can just loot, i dont know meh lol Would be happy to have scythe, chicken, ears etc though.. I never had them on main rs!


I think you should get that shit if your account is old enough to have done it when it was originally released. I'd be a boss.


Don't get why people don't want tradeable rares. It's great having something to reach for, that's what rares have been for me. I don't think I'll find Runescape as interesting anymore, if they don't introduce tradeable rares...

Its zeh noob


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