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Any update on F2P Poll / Thoughts on F2P etc


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Posted (edited)

Update on the poll by Exe.(Thanks buddy)





When do you expect F2P to come out ?

What are your thoughts about F2P returning?

What will happen, when F2P comes out?

Will there be clans going F2P only ?

Will F2P change the economy ?

Are you going to F2P PK?

Will F2P worlds change the game in anyway?

Will Jagex ever make F2P Worlds for free players aswell or still members only?

Do you want Final Ownage Elite to have F2P trips ?


Discuss / Talk about anything related to OSRS F2P here !

Edited by Marc

Hopefully it will be back soonish, a lot of people have been waiting for it, in the clanworld anyways. (Mainly main clans) Tbh I can only see it helping the game, it'll bring back F2P Clans, F2P Warring, and most of the members that quit. Sure plenty of F2P clans will return once it's back and enjoy what they once excelled in. IMO It will change the economy, rune will be in high demand and most likely rise for a period of time as F2P clans will meet requirements for rune sets, weps, dhide, arrows.. food etc etc. This update can surely only help 07 re-evolve into what it once was.

Posted (edited)

All I am going to say is they will be fun and I want FOE to have some trips but I wouldnt prefer f2p trips over p2p

Edited by A Combo

i think f2p will be out in the next month is not this one


should be boring and repetitive as usual

Posted (edited)



f2p events are sht

Edited by Exe
I J3r I Pur3



f2p events are sht

Posted (edited)

Hmm I enjoy reading peoples opinion ! Thanks for the update on the poll Exe.


I personaly think F2P only improves OSRS but will ''ruin'' the economy for a short period of time then goes stable , i dislike F2P servers myself but it's good for the game that it comes out. Also good for a quick merch atm

Edited by Marc
Ipk No Mercy

about a month max i think.

addy bars/arrows will be saleable and i think rune items could go up a bit


All I can say that I am glad its back :)


i see no point for such a stupid update, f2p is shit


Personally I'm not a huge fan of f2p trips but I'm sure we will find some fun out of it


Run energy is a pain in p2p ill cut myself in f2p


Run energy is a pain in p2p ill cut myself in f2p

Defo agree Exe..


But yeah F2P is part of the game , so we'll probs need to figure out a way to enjoy F2P once it's here since tons of people/clans will be going out.


i dont liek it lol


Idc much for f2p but I still voted yes for the people that wanted them


F2p is only fun with big opt fights


i think f2p will be out in the next month is not this one


should be boring and repetitive as usual


i don't care if f2p comes out or not, not like i f2p pk but i would clan pk in f2p ofc


Personally I'm not a huge fan of f2p trips but I'm sure we will find some fun out of it


no good loots there


will be good to have that f2p feeling let back into the game, it brings back memories.

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