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I'm noob, how do I start off my pure?


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I need help I'm lost, no money, I don't know what I'm doing.... any suggestions to get started? I only have 8 atk and 2 str...


Look on YouTube for a pure guide mate


I would quest before actual training.


start off by getting a rune spear and killing rock crabs with it


ur gonna be doin alot of walking lol

R 4 P 1 D Z

theres some quick ways to make starter cash  if you need to get a little together to buy food n supps for quests n training


do rune mysteries mine like 500 pure ess


run them into laws and u will have like 125-150k to start off with buy arrows quest supps whatever this method wasnt around earlier cuz no1 had 54 rc but people on forums now offer law running services or even nature running services its good 2 get start up cash atleast


Get 10 cakes, do security stronghold, get 10k, do some quests aswell as rune mysterious, mine some ess, sell the ess, more questing.

Downin Fate

Get some cash, train range to 20 then do Waterfall quest, I did that so I couldn't get one hitted cause you get like 17 Hp


I would quest before actual training.


ur gonna be doin alot of walking lol

lmfao this

train stats abit and on like 30/40 cb go flesh crawlers for exp/money pickup herbs/ores/fire runes $$$$


I would quest before actual training.


theres some quick ways to make starter cash if you need to get a little together to buy food n supps for quests n training

do rune mysteries mine like 500 pure ess

run them into laws and u will have like 125-150k to start off with buy arrows quest supps whatever this method wasnt around earlier cuz no1 had 54 rc but people on forums now offer law running services or even nature running services its good 2 get start up cash atleast

Buy urself a cb brace str ammy iron set n food and just camp cravs

start off by getting a rune spear and killing rock crabs with it


Do like we everyone else did.


*be a begger at barbarian village and beg for food. Get them 10k.


Go to varrock dummies and spam click them to lvl 8str & att.


Do waterfall quest so u get 30att & str. Then do mostly quest.


Look on YouTube for a pure guide mate


make money > 45 mage or you will hate life


lots and lots of questing

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