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April 12th, 2013


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April 12th, 2013What's going on guys, slept a nice amount last night, feeling pretty nice. I'm in final exam period and this is bananas, pulled an all nighter other day, not recommended. I was a zombie half of the day, just spewing nonsense. To be honest, I think my all nighter affected my mind as I lost like half my bank staking lol. In the video, I was doing work went up a lot, but then disaster struck and lost my fury + cashpile. Not going back there until I get home and have better internet. My internet at university is brutal and I was lagging like no other, as you will see in the video lmao. That's all really. I mean not cleaned in any shape or form, but that was a bit of a hit. Going to farm and herblore for a bounce back, ain't no thang. Anyways, onto my other game play. I did bank some farming levels/seeds while I was up so, that's a positive. I've been farming/herblore like usual and that's growing nicely. I think I've hit top 300 Farming? That's ridiculous for such a low level, explains the profiting. Apart from that, I've been doing some Slayer and really making a push for 70 Ranged since I cannot stand red dhide, it screams virg. Was considering doing a bank video, but after that hit, I'll probably hold off on it. Still organizing my bank as it is, it's getting there. I also hit a Mage level that came almost entirely from teleporting for farm runs lol. I finished it off at Kalphites, where I got a nice little rune med haha. I plan on collecting my Slayer/Pking/Staking random items, and just have them as a collection in my bank. Can't really hurt, I think it'll be cool. Anyways, keeping this short and sweet because I'm really busy lately, but until next time, take it easy.

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Awesome man. That farming level's yum. Best of luck with your skills too overall! :)

Edited by Michael.
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