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So what do I do now ?


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What do i do ?


I've currently got my goals ; 80 range / 80 str with these stats :




Atm I would like to make ''bank'' to train mage..

Dont know what to train or even what to do on RS so no goal or anything to even login for atm..


Help me out with tips etc.


- Marc|Hotkeys


I'd probably do slayer if I was in your situation. For money + combat training. But whatever you feel's best.


Go PK and make money to train mage.


hunter mate :d bot a week and u got 10m


get 85 of both

9 11 terrorist

hunter or kill dragons


I won't do hunter since i'm playing legit and hunter is such a bot skill..

Hmm , might just go for 85/90 str and see whatever happends that might bring some cash..

Hopefully alching gets cheaper by the time!

Thanks guya


Quit gewoon

Its zeh noob

hey marc, laat je broertje implings hunten op je foe account en maak zelf een mini pure aan waar je vervolgens pest control op doet!

Learn 2 tashh

pking pking and more pking dude.

Dart My Mitt

mage all the way


Im in the same scenario and need to make #bank to be able to get mage up.. just dont know how to make ~10m so i can start that skill to alch hahaha


get dat 85 mage and pwn some n00bs! 

lmfao nice stats man, pro account.


Train more? ha

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