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2 bombs blow up in Boston


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Downin Fate

For any idiots that have anything stupid to say, just keep it to yourself.  Thoughts are with the families and the people touched by this.

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Yh the pic with the amputee's leg is nasty.


Some media posted a Saudi man had been arrested, but Saudi Arabia is US's best m8 in Middle-East, won't come to another war if it turns out to be true.

just because hes from a certain country it doesn't mean the whole country was involved or has anything wrong with it..

might just be one idiot acting alone or a small group of people

Edited by i tauntz i
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Whole thing seems fishy as fuck, wouldn't be surprised if American goverment set this up, that being said, RIP to the two peopel who died, and best wishes to those who are hurt/affected

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Yh the pic with the amputee's leg is nasty.


Some media posted a Saudi man had been arrested, but Saudi Arabia is US's best m8 in Middle-East, won't come to another war if it turns out to be true.

just because hes from a certain country it doesn't mean the whole country was involved or has anything wrong with it..

might just be one idiot acting alone or a small group of people

Yes ofcourse, same was with 9/11 where 15/19 terrorists were Saudi, yet nothing happened to that country. Was just explaining stuff before people are reacting to the 'news of someone arrested' leading to a new war on terror in the Middle-East.

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I'm trying to figure out why "lol" would be an appropriate comment for this topic?

probably north korea or vietnam lol

Edited by Abbi pker
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North Koreans aren't even allowed out of their own country and you think they're networking young terrorists? No sir. It's either going to end up being the responsibility of a known terrorist organization, or an isolated incident of an individual. Regardless of who you think committed the atrocity, please just keep it to yourself until the news outlets put out reliable information. The only thing on your mind right now should be the well-being of the victims and their friends and families. Speculation about perpetrators should be kept to yourselves, and if this turns into any kind of conspiracy theory debate, war-mongering or anything I deem insensitive to the victims than you will find yourself without posting rights for a while. Don't take this as anything apart from me doing what I feel is necessary to be decent human beings. Appreciate the cooperation henceforward. 

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