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Twin G Mauler Progress


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Update: My twin got 94 mage, will fully update topic tonight when i get my stats a little more even.


We both decided to go slightly different ways, the person I'm making my twin with was smart enough to get all the questing done at the start. I can't stand questing so I'll probably leave it as late as I can, going to have to get mith gloves before I start training strength though.


Our long term goals are:









Combat lvl = 70


It's going to be a challenge to keep our hitpoints at 88, looking into either doing some range levels with a cannon or using pest control to our advantage. Hopefully if we decide to go the PC route it won't be to slow.


We both have 94 mage banked so that's out next goal. Getting the easiest out the way first.



I'll keep photo's of our stats side by side, mine being on the left.







130426234647.png                         2nk2f68.jpg




51pwgh.png                         9sq6c5.jpg






Got there eventually, think I'm going to do some quests then have a break while my twin catches up.









30ib8mu.png                       346vxp1.jpg





Not really much interesting has happened, just powering towards 94 mage. Should be able to get it in under a week, it's taking far more concentration now I'm doing it at MTA. My twin is doing the same thing, will take him a little while longer though.


  302xa2a.png                      wkim4j.jpg





m7fle0.jpg                         2r2ofwy.jpg



Edited by -Da
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good stuff man, twinning was always really popular back in the day, im not a huge fan of it but if you can get it done then it looks like fun

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Starting to gradually come together, having the stats already will give me the motivation to quest. We've both finished out exams now and need to save money IRL for some things happening over summer so we'll be putting in a lot of hours.


It sure does suck having to pay for 94 mage twice though, only have one acc to stake on between us and he's useless.  :laugh:

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Currently 85 mage now, should be able to to get 86 before I go off. Got a lot done last night and I've been on pretty much all day. Gone through so many batteries for my wireless mouse. Will post an updated stat pic when we both decide to go to bed tonight.

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im going for the same exact stats lol


I can't wait, at 70cb I think it'll be pretty over powered, going to cost so much to keep that hp at 88 though.




wanna see update pics yo


Just about to head off work, will pest my twin for a stat pic when I get home. Still going hard!  :tongue:

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Lol just realize you said 13 pray sorry ... :laugh:


No idea where you gonna train but its gonna be painfull lol

Edited by F_A_A_S
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Lol just realize you said 13 pray sorry ... :laugh:


No idea where you gonna train but its gonna be painfull lol


I know, what makes it even more painful is that I could probably afford to chin range and bandit strength but my `twin` who I know IRL couldn't and we agreed to keep them matching. Long term I know it'll be worth it, I don't think I'd ever go above 31 pray purely because the extra time it's going to take to get range up. I'm hoping that I'll be able to do 40-45k xp p/h with knives at experiments and then just no life that for a week and a half and be 88+ range and then probably do the same for strength .I realised earlier today that I can always train at the range guild to keep my hp at the lower end of 88 so I can have tripple 94's ~ 70cb which is a huge relief. I'd already half expected to spend loads on cannoning.

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90 mage, will update first post when we both head off, don't think I'll be levelling again tonight though  :laugh:


Included my bank in the photo( hopefully my friend will eventually pay be mack 10m if he ever gets round to making bank), 35k cosmics to go.

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Keep it up!


I'm planing to, looking at getting 88 strength next I think, temped to get 90'ish range instead just do I don't have to quest yet.   :laugh:

Edited by -Da
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