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Wtf happened to RS


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Hi, I haven't played rs in 3 years and I just came back on this 2 see if I was missing anything. Can you guys guide me back to see what I have missed. Is it worth coming back to? Whats the new updates etc. Let me know please. Thank you.


Old Rs that we all knew and loved. Is gone. Its gone.


Click on "old school RS" and start over

They brought back old rs servers because so many people quit due to jagex fucking up the game.


Old Rs that we all knew and loved. Is gone. Its gone.


Click on "old school RS" and start over

They brought back old rs servers because so many people quit due to jagex fucking up the game.

Will it start me back at level 3 with all my non combat stats to 1?


picture RuneScape in 2007.




oaright it's dat.


not worth it imo go outside and live life much more fun

Ready Ok FOE

relive ur youth XD


not worth the time lol


Off topic: Charlie where you been mate!?


Yea but, Will my stats be reseted?


start again.

Pretty self explanatory but yes level 3 tutorial island.


Yea but, Will my stats be reseted?

Yes, its like you just started rs. you start out as lvl 3 with everything 1 and 10 hp and its RuneScape at the time of auguest 10 2007, not sure on exact date but around there so no GWD and etc, you get to vote for added stuff like that.  


Even though it's "oldschool" it really isn't the old rs.


Idk why they dont just remove eoc, everything would be so much better...


Old Rs that we all knew and loved. Is gone. Its gone.


Click on "old school RS" and start over

They brought back old rs servers because so many people quit due to jagex fucking up the game.

true story


As long as clan pking exists its fun.


Old Rs that we all knew and loved. Is gone. Its gone.


Click on "old school RS" and start over

They brought back old rs servers because so many people quit due to jagex fucking up the game.

Will it start me back at level 3 with all my non combat stats to 1?

yes and 0 bank

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