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What kind of Pker are You?


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My self, i cant stand low bracket pking, i enjoy in the level ranges of 90's-100s the most


Hybriding even tho i cant do it well, but my favorite combo in 07 would be the simple whip to dds rambo

Posted (edited)

Being a main before eoc, I did lots of stuff: edge (rune, dh, bandos,bridding ), west/easts bridding, revs, and any sort of multi ofc. And red ports (antiluring included)


Also had a decent 20 def intiate pure for singles where i just prodded the shit out of my korasis

Edited by doorsftw

I enjoyed ragging idiot hybrids at mb in tank gear haha, always fun as a main, dbolts to ags/dds etc with rambos for max bank whilst risking about 50k..


but thats NH..


trying to get decent bank/gear before i start pking on 07 so not sure :]


i love to single pk all sorts of different ways but my favorite way to pk is when we run in and take a shit on mm


bridding is for sure my favorite style of pking but idk what i will do with 07 switches the way that they are


Mostly Edge n item staker n multi is iight


im the kind of pker that always asks the other guy to skull when i skull on u then g maul spec the third hit :]


I usually Nh hybrid but now i cant tele seems kinda gay


I like that no skull + 3 item + phoenix neck + ring of life + tabs + rushing style of pking


This thug life sure aint easy yo


Multi pking and tag teaming at easts/rune rocks is fun


pking on 70 cb pure with 4 brew 3 p neck 3 restore


honor sucks dude...fkn struggle man i swer


pking on 70 cb pure with 4 brew 3 p neck 3 restore


honor sucks dude...fkn struggle man i swer

just take teles man no 1 will find out


pking on 70 cb pure with 4 brew 3 p neck 3 restore


honor sucks dude...fkn struggle man i swer

just take teles man no 1 will find out

I camp wildy just waiting for a member to fuck up so I can run and snitch




I like to pike


All I've ever really done is multi pking.


100v100 p2p wars vs mm were what i liked most pvp wise


i used to mostly edge pk but sometimes i like to multi and sometimes i like to brid,depends on what i feel like :p


2 words, the best.


f2p edge is too classic


Single pking too easy n boring never enjoyed

Bridding fun tho


Edge, easts, and multi. 

Ipk No Mercy

Before Eoc:

Single bridding, Team Pking, luring and Mass wars.

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