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1 Item

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Posted (edited)

Hey its 1 item i was going to start chinning on 07 but i was wondering what exactly to bring and where is the best place.. I was flipping through the guiodes and i dont think i saw one, im wondering if someone could help me out thatd be awesome , much apreciated!!!! P.S. i looked on my phone while lying down All i could find were ape atol guides which are not helpful to me at all :p

Edited by 1 Item

well im guessing you've already completed mm seeing as you're 99 str right? so either chinning at bandits or under shilo w\e that spot is will be best for you


Thanks my man, lmfao btw first time seeing your sig. Lol irl tbh fucking koalas duude


4-5x range pots 2-4x anti pots a tab to tele out and rest P pots.


if you've already done mm abandon all hope of using chins ever


if you've already done mm abandon all hope of using chins ever


if you've already done mm abandon all hope of using chins ever


So you're interested in some shinney schompaz YES?


if you've already done mm abandon all hope of using chins ever

shilo gives u cancer and gl finding a empty bandit world


I have chins for 99 banked, for ape atoll, should you chin with other people or find a spot that you can use yourself?


if you've already done mm abandon all hope of using chins ever


Obsessive, find your own spot. Chinning with more people @ same place kills the exp. I heard going 1000 player + worlds helps spawning faster, not sure if this is true though.


if you've already done mm abandon all hope of using chins ever


Yeah regardless of what people are saying you have to chin man haha. Range is the most boring thing to train for me, even if you've done mm, chin somewhere


if you've already done mm abandon all hope of using chins ever


I'd recommend looking into the shilo village place. I've heard good things about it.


the shilo village undeads is amazing - if it works on 07 not sure...

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