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Oppinions on 70 attack


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Hi everyone,

This is probably a very common question but im currently 60 attack on my pure (79 strength).


So I was wondering what peoples oppinions on getting 70 attack. For me using a whip is way more fun than d scim but I keep holding myself back because of the following disadvantages:


- More likely to get accidental defence levels.

- Lower dds specs (if i got a whip at 85 str then i would be facing people with 60 atk 99 str)

- Chance to get smited for whip or lose it.

- Lower hitpoints for combat level (than if i kept 60 atk)


if anyone has 70 attack then post with your oppinion and let me know if you prefer 60 or 70.


Thanks :)



Posted (edited)

if u get 70 atk u might aswell get 99, because before you know it, youll level to 71 atk and so one quite quickly..


if u want a whip then go be a 99 99 45 pure


i would stay at 60 atk

Edited by Bag

Yea i was thinking the same thing i'm going to stay 60 attack.


Raise the strength at least 90+ before you think about getting 70+ attack.


Dont get 70 attack if you want to stay a Pure.


Raise the strength at least 90+ before you think about getting 70+ attack.



Raise the strength at least 90+ before you think about getting 70+ attack.



if you want to be 60 99 1 pure then keep 60 attack, if not then get it to 99


Maybe when you get 99 strength 99 range 94+ mage you could consider 70 attack, otherwise yeah 60

Its zeh noob

defence magnet


If u wanna be a clan prod go ahead :p

Just A Shado

I've been thinking the same thing, but I'm gonna wait til 95 str til I think about this!

  • 2 weeks later...

I've been thinking the same thing, but I'm gonna wait til 95 str til I think about this!


I'm waiting till 99 Strength myself.

  • 3 weeks later...
Xx M0cr0 Xx

Raise the strength at least 90+ before you think about getting 70+ attack.


60 atk 90+str is very fun. 


60 atk 90+str is very fun. 

or wait till ur atleast 90+ str to get 70 atk


PFirst I would start at spelling class "oppinions" lol jk

But yeah 90 str first


First I would start at spelling class "oppinions" lol jk

But yeah 90 str first


if you plan on bridding in the near future thats a huge factor 60 attack is good for bridding


work on 90-99 str before 70 attack. 


Just got 99 strength, Don't know if I should get 70 attack or not.


70 isn't worth it at your level


70 attack leads to 99 attack, which leads to you getting raped by zerkers and Dhers.

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