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Starting my 07 Pure | Looking For Advice


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Greetings FOE,


It has taken an extremely long time for me to actually create an account on these forums and post something. I have been lurking for about three years now, while recently starting to watch Bonesaw Pk's live feed on twitch (which by the way if you haven't seen, you should check it out) and I have finally decided to make a pure with the return of 2007 RS. 


For the majority of my RS career I have had mains, so I am not completely sure how I should go about completing the pure I am making. Let me explain to you where I would like this pure to end up, and where it is now. 




These are my current stats. I was originally thinking when I made this pure that I was going to turn it into an initiate pure, and I think I still want to do this. I need some help finding out which quests I should do for pures and in what order.  So far I have completed:


Cooks Assistant

Demon Slayer

Ernest the Chicken

Goblin Diplomacy

Restless Ghost

Rune Mysteries

-Vampire Slayer

-Death Plateau

-Waterfall quest

-Priest In Peril

and Fishing Contest


Any help that any of the pures here can give me about when I should train mage and range, what stats are optimal for an initiate pure, any questing advice, and any skilling advice for pures is greatly appreciated. To avoid this being in the wrong section, Im going to update this post with strength levels as strength is what I am currently training.


Thanks for the help, hope to see you all in-game.




Look on public guides for the quests


Here we go, another update, only one day afterwards...

- Adamant Gloves requirements added.
- Zanik's Crossbow requirements added. (Good luck to anyone wanting to take on this challenge... There are heaps of quests...)

I didn't realize how popular this was...   

1 Defence Pure Quest Checklist

Here are the quests that 1 Defence Pures should complete. Most of these are "expected" to be complete depending on what stats you're focused on. Some of the others are good to have completed and can make things a lot easier.

If you're going to make a new pure, be sure that you do some of these quests earlier if you can. You should always check to see that you don't over train. For example, you won't want to have 60 Attack and finish the Monkey Madness prerequisites. You'll go over 60. So keep that in mind.

I suggest you do all, or most of these quests at the lowest level you think you possibly can do them. Not only is it nice to have accomplished them at a low level, but you will be thankful you can train with your fully acquired gear. In my opinion, you can do pretty much do all the quests that require combat just by using Ranged. 50-60 even works fine. There's often safe spots and the monsters aren't very hard. 

These are the quests and their requirements to get the commonly used items for Pures. Some require a lot more time than others do, but it's all worth it.

Ancient Magic
Desert Treasure:
Stat Requirements: 10 Slayer, 50 Firemaking, 50 Magic, 53 Thieving
Previous Quests Needed: Digsite Quest, The Tourist Trap, Temple of Ikov, Priest in Peril, Waterfall Quest, Troll Stronghold
Digsite Quest:
Stat Requirements: 25 Thieving, 10 Agility, 10 Herblore(Druidic Ritual)
The Tourist Trap:
Stat Requirements: 10 Fletching, 20 Smithing
Temple of Ikov:
Stat Requirements: 40 Ranged, 42 Thieving
Priest in Peril: N/A
Waterfall Quest: N/A
Troll Stronghold:
Stat Requirements: 15 Agility
Previous Quests Needed: Death Plateau
Death Plateau: N/A (You get Climbing Boots during this quest.   )


Adamant Gloves
Recipe for Disaster:
Part 1: 10 cooking, Cook's Assistant
Requirements for...
Sub Quest 1: Fishing Contest
Sub Quest 2: Goblin Diplomacy
Sub Quest 3: 31 Cooking, 42 Crafting
Sub Quest 5: 25 Cooking, Gertrude's Cat, Shadow of the Storm
Sub Quest 6: 70 Cooking, 48 Agility, Monkey Madness
Sub Quest 8: 41 Cooking, 20 Firemaking, Big Chompy Bird Hunting
Cook's Assistant: N/A
Fishing Contest:
Stat Requirements: 10 Fishing
Goblin Diplomacy: N/A
Gertrude's Cat: N/A
Shadow of the Storm:
Stat Requirements: 30 Crafting
Quest Requirements: Demon Slayer, The Golem
Demon Slayer: N/A
The Golem:
Stat Requirements: 20 Crafting, 25 Thieving
Monkey Madness: *See Below*
Big Chompy Bird Hunting:
Stat Requirements: 5 Fletching, 30 Cooking, 30 Ranged


Dragon Scimitar
Monkey Madness:
Previous Quests Needed: The Grand Tree, Tree Gnome Village
The Grand Tree:
Stat Requirements: 25 Agility
Tree Gnome Village: N/A


Zamorak Prayer Book
Horror From The Deep:
Stat Requirements: 35 Agility
Previous Quests Needed: Barcrawl(mini quest)
Barcrawl(mini quest): N/A


Dragon Dagger(p++)
Lost City:
Stat Requirements: 31 Crafting, 36 Woodcutting


Mountain Daughter:
Stat Requirements: 20 Agility, 40 Woodcutting, 40Crafting, 25 Fletching


Crystal Bow
Roving Elves:
Previous Quests Needed: Regicide
Stat Requirements: 56 Agility
Previous Quests Needed: Underground Pass
Underground Pass:
Stat Requirements: 25 Ranged
Previous Quests Needed: Biohazard
Previous Quests: Plague City
Plague City: N/A


Ava's Accumulator
Animal Magnetism:
Stat Requirements: 18 Slayer, 19 Crafting, 30 Ranged, 35 Woodcutting
Previous Quests Needed: The Restless Ghost, Ernest the Chicken, Priest in Peril
The Restless Ghost: N/A
Ernest the Chicken: N/A
Priest in Peril: N/A


Barrelchest Anchor
The Great Brain Robbery:
Stat Requirements: 16 Crafting, 30 Construction, 50 Prayer
Previous Quests Needed: Creature of Fenkenstrain, Cabin Fever, RFD(Pirate Pete) Part
Creature of Fenkenstrain:
Stat Requirements: 25 Thieving, 20 Crafting
Previous Quests Needed: The Restless Ghost, Priest in Peril
The Restless Ghost: N/A
Priest in Peril: N/A
Cabin Fever:
Stat Requirements: 42 Agility, 45 Crafting, 50 Smithing, 40 Ranged
Previous Quests Needed: Rum Deal, Pirate's Treasure
Rum Deal:
Stat Requirements: 40 Farming, 50 Fishing, 47 Prayer, 42 Crafting, 42 Slayer
Previous Quests Needed: Zogre Flesh Eaters
Zogre Flesh Eaters:
Previous Quests Needed: Jungle Potion, Big Chompy Bird Hunting
Jungle Potion: N/A
Big Chompy Bird Hunting:
Stat Requirements: 5 Fletching, 30 Cooking, 30 Ranged
Pirate's Treasure: N/A
RFD(Pirate Pete) Part:
Stat Requirements: 31 Cooking, 42 Crafting
Previous Quests Needed: "Part 1" of RFD
Part 1 of RFD:
Stat Requirements: 10 Cooking
Previous Quests Needed: Cook's Assistant
Cook's Assistant: N/A


Salve Amulet
Haunted Mine:
Stat Requirements: 15 Agility, 35 Crafting
Previous Quests Needed: Priest in Peril
Priest in Peril: N/A


Zanik's Crossbow
Stat Requirements: 46 Agility, 46 Strength, 46 Thieving
Previous Quests Needed: Land of the Goblins
Land of the Goblins:
Stat Requirements: 30 Prayer, 36 Agility, 36 Fishing, 36 Thieving, 37 Herblore
Previous Quests Needed: Another Slice of H.A.M., Fishing Contest
Another Slice of H.A.M.:
Stat Requirements: 15 Attack, 25 Prayer
Previous Quests Needed: Death to the Dorgeshunn, The Giant Dwarf, Digsite Quest
Death to the Dorgeshunn:
Stat Requirements: 23 Agility, 23 Thieving
Previous Quests Needed: The Lost Tribe
The Lost Tribe:
Stat Requirements: 13 Agility, 13 Thieving, 17 Mining
Previous Quests Needed: Rune Mysteries, Goblin Diplomacy
Rune Mysteries: N/A
Goblin Diplomacy: N/A
The Giant Dwarf:
Stat Requirements: 12 Crafting, 14 Thieving, 16 Firemaking, 33 Magic
Digsite Quest:
Stat Requirements: 25 Thieving, 10 Agility, 10 Herblore
Fishing Contest:
Stat Requirements: 10 Fishing


Prayer Levels
A Pure's Prayer level can change a lot about them. Having a lower Prayer level will prevent you from obtaining some of these items. I've listed the Prayer levels that are the "common" options for Pures to get. Each Prayer level will state which items you are able to obtain.

1 Prayer:
Can't Obtain:
- Ancient Magic
- Ava's Accumulator
- Barrelchest Anchor
- Salve Amulet
- Zanik's Crossbow

11 Prayer:
Can't Obtain:
- Ava's Accumulator
- Barrelchest Anchor
- Zanik's Crossbow

31 Prayer:
Can't Obtain:
- Barrelchest Anchor

44 Prayer:
Can't Obtain:
- Barrelchest Anchor

52 Prayer:
Ever item is obtainable.


You need :


Mith Gloves

Pray Books


thats 100% mandatory


Stats go to a Combat Calculator and type in stats u want and try to balance


Oh man, that is incredibly helpful. Thank you.




Here we go, another update, only one day afterwards...

- Adamant Gloves requirements added.

- Zanik's Crossbow requirements added. (Good luck to anyone wanting to take on this challenge... There are heaps of quests...)

I didn't realize how popular this was...   

1 Defence Pure Quest Checklist

Here are the quests that 1 Defence Pures should complete. Most of these are "expected" to be complete depending on what stats you're focused on. Some of the others are good to have completed and can make things a lot easier.

If you're going to make a new pure, be sure that you do some of these quests earlier if you can. You should always check to see that you don't over train. For example, you won't want to have 60 Attack and finish the Monkey Madness prerequisites. You'll go over 60. So keep that in mind.

I suggest you do all, or most of these quests at the lowest level you think you possibly can do them. Not only is it nice to have accomplished them at a low level, but you will be thankful you can train with your fully acquired gear. In my opinion, you can do pretty much do all the quests that require combat just by using Ranged. 50-60 even works fine. There's often safe spots and the monsters aren't very hard. 

These are the quests and their requirements to get the commonly used items for Pures. Some require a lot more time than others do, but it's all worth it.

Ancient Magic

Desert Treasure:

Stat Requirements: 10 Slayer, 50 Firemaking, 50 Magic, 53 Thieving

Previous Quests Needed: Digsite Quest, The Tourist Trap, Temple of Ikov, Priest in Peril, Waterfall Quest, Troll Stronghold


Digsite Quest:

Stat Requirements: 25 Thieving, 10 Agility, 10 Herblore(Druidic Ritual)


The Tourist Trap:

Stat Requirements: 10 Fletching, 20 Smithing


Temple of Ikov:

Stat Requirements: 40 Ranged, 42 Thieving


Priest in Peril: N/A


Waterfall Quest: N/A


Troll Stronghold:

Stat Requirements: 15 Agility

Previous Quests Needed: Death Plateau


Death Plateau: N/A (You get Climbing Boots during this quest.   )


Adamant Gloves

Recipe for Disaster:

Part 1: 10 cooking, Cook's Assistant

Requirements for...

Sub Quest 1: Fishing Contest

Sub Quest 2: Goblin Diplomacy

Sub Quest 3: 31 Cooking, 42 Crafting

Sub Quest 5: 25 Cooking, Gertrude's Cat, Shadow of the Storm

Sub Quest 6: 70 Cooking, 48 Agility, Monkey Madness

Sub Quest 8: 41 Cooking, 20 Firemaking, Big Chompy Bird Hunting


Cook's Assistant: N/A


Fishing Contest:

Stat Requirements: 10 Fishing


Goblin Diplomacy: N/A


Gertrude's Cat: N/A


Shadow of the Storm:

Stat Requirements: 30 Crafting

Quest Requirements: Demon Slayer, The Golem


Demon Slayer: N/A


The Golem:

Stat Requirements: 20 Crafting, 25 Thieving


Monkey Madness: *See Below*


Big Chompy Bird Hunting:

Stat Requirements: 5 Fletching, 30 Cooking, 30 Ranged


Dragon Scimitar

Monkey Madness:

Previous Quests Needed: The Grand Tree, Tree Gnome Village


The Grand Tree:

Stat Requirements: 25 Agility


Tree Gnome Village: N/A


Zamorak Prayer Book

Horror From The Deep:

Stat Requirements: 35 Agility

Previous Quests Needed: Barcrawl(mini quest)


Barcrawl(mini quest): N/A


Dragon Dagger(p++)

Lost City:

Stat Requirements: 31 Crafting, 36 Woodcutting



Mountain Daughter:

Stat Requirements: 20 Agility, 40 Woodcutting, 40Crafting, 25 Fletching


Crystal Bow

Roving Elves:

Previous Quests Needed: Regicide



Stat Requirements: 56 Agility

Previous Quests Needed: Underground Pass


Underground Pass:

Stat Requirements: 25 Ranged

Previous Quests Needed: Biohazard



Previous Quests: Plague City


Plague City: N/A


Ava's Accumulator

Animal Magnetism:

Stat Requirements: 18 Slayer, 19 Crafting, 30 Ranged, 35 Woodcutting

Previous Quests Needed: The Restless Ghost, Ernest the Chicken, Priest in Peril


The Restless Ghost: N/A


Ernest the Chicken: N/A


Priest in Peril: N/A


Barrelchest Anchor

The Great Brain Robbery:

Stat Requirements: 16 Crafting, 30 Construction, 50 Prayer

Previous Quests Needed: Creature of Fenkenstrain, Cabin Fever, RFD(Pirate Pete) Part


Creature of Fenkenstrain:

Stat Requirements: 25 Thieving, 20 Crafting

Previous Quests Needed: The Restless Ghost, Priest in Peril


The Restless Ghost: N/A


Priest in Peril: N/A


Cabin Fever:

Stat Requirements: 42 Agility, 45 Crafting, 50 Smithing, 40 Ranged

Previous Quests Needed: Rum Deal, Pirate's Treasure


Rum Deal:

Stat Requirements: 40 Farming, 50 Fishing, 47 Prayer, 42 Crafting, 42 Slayer

Previous Quests Needed: Zogre Flesh Eaters


Zogre Flesh Eaters:

Previous Quests Needed: Jungle Potion, Big Chompy Bird Hunting


Jungle Potion: N/A


Big Chompy Bird Hunting:

Stat Requirements: 5 Fletching, 30 Cooking, 30 Ranged


Pirate's Treasure: N/A


RFD(Pirate Pete) Part:

Stat Requirements: 31 Cooking, 42 Crafting

Previous Quests Needed: "Part 1" of RFD


Part 1 of RFD:

Stat Requirements: 10 Cooking

Previous Quests Needed: Cook's Assistant


Cook's Assistant: N/A


Salve Amulet

Haunted Mine:

Stat Requirements: 15 Agility, 35 Crafting

Previous Quests Needed: Priest in Peril


Priest in Peril: N/A


Zanik's Crossbow

Stat Requirements: 46 Agility, 46 Strength, 46 Thieving

Previous Quests Needed: Land of the Goblins


Land of the Goblins:

Stat Requirements: 30 Prayer, 36 Agility, 36 Fishing, 36 Thieving, 37 Herblore

Previous Quests Needed: Another Slice of H.A.M., Fishing Contest


Another Slice of H.A.M.:

Stat Requirements: 15 Attack, 25 Prayer

Previous Quests Needed: Death to the Dorgeshunn, The Giant Dwarf, Digsite Quest


Death to the Dorgeshunn:

Stat Requirements: 23 Agility, 23 Thieving

Previous Quests Needed: The Lost Tribe


The Lost Tribe:

Stat Requirements: 13 Agility, 13 Thieving, 17 Mining

Previous Quests Needed: Rune Mysteries, Goblin Diplomacy


Rune Mysteries: N/A


Goblin Diplomacy: N/A


The Giant Dwarf:

Stat Requirements: 12 Crafting, 14 Thieving, 16 Firemaking, 33 Magic


Digsite Quest:

Stat Requirements: 25 Thieving, 10 Agility, 10 Herblore


Fishing Contest:

Stat Requirements: 10 Fishing


Prayer Levels

A Pure's Prayer level can change a lot about them. Having a lower Prayer level will prevent you from obtaining some of these items. I've listed the Prayer levels that are the "common" options for Pures to get. Each Prayer level will state which items you are able to obtain.

1 Prayer:

Can't Obtain:

- Ancient Magic

- Ava's Accumulator

- Barrelchest Anchor

- Salve Amulet

- Zanik's Crossbow

11 Prayer:

Can't Obtain:

- Ava's Accumulator

- Barrelchest Anchor

- Zanik's Crossbow

31 Prayer:

Can't Obtain:

- Barrelchest Anchor

44 Prayer:

Can't Obtain:

- Barrelchest Anchor

52 Prayer:

Ever item is obtainable.

dem addy gloves


Here we go, another update, only one day afterwards...

- Adamant Gloves requirements added.

- Zanik's Crossbow requirements added. (Good luck to anyone wanting to take on this challenge... There are heaps of quests...)

I didn't realize how popular this was...   

1 Defence Pure Quest Checklist

Here are the quests that 1 Defence Pures should complete. Most of these are "expected" to be complete depending on what stats you're focused on. Some of the others are good to have completed and can make things a lot easier.

If you're going to make a new pure, be sure that you do some of these quests earlier if you can. You should always check to see that you don't over train. For example, you won't want to have 60 Attack and finish the Monkey Madness prerequisites. You'll go over 60. So keep that in mind.

I suggest you do all, or most of these quests at the lowest level you think you possibly can do them. Not only is it nice to have accomplished them at a low level, but you will be thankful you can train with your fully acquired gear. In my opinion, you can do pretty much do all the quests that require combat just by using Ranged. 50-60 even works fine. There's often safe spots and the monsters aren't very hard. 

These are the quests and their requirements to get the commonly used items for Pures. Some require a lot more time than others do, but it's all worth it.

Ancient Magic

Desert Treasure:

Stat Requirements: 10 Slayer, 50 Firemaking, 50 Magic, 53 Thieving

Previous Quests Needed: Digsite Quest, The Tourist Trap, Temple of Ikov, Priest in Peril, Waterfall Quest, Troll Stronghold


Digsite Quest:

Stat Requirements: 25 Thieving, 10 Agility, 10 Herblore(Druidic Ritual)


The Tourist Trap:

Stat Requirements: 10 Fletching, 20 Smithing


Temple of Ikov:

Stat Requirements: 40 Ranged, 42 Thieving


Priest in Peril: N/A


Waterfall Quest: N/A


Troll Stronghold:

Stat Requirements: 15 Agility

Previous Quests Needed: Death Plateau


Death Plateau: N/A (You get Climbing Boots during this quest.   )


Adamant Gloves

Recipe for Disaster:

Part 1: 10 cooking, Cook's Assistant

Requirements for...

Sub Quest 1: Fishing Contest

Sub Quest 2: Goblin Diplomacy

Sub Quest 3: 31 Cooking, 42 Crafting

Sub Quest 5: 25 Cooking, Gertrude's Cat, Shadow of the Storm

Sub Quest 6: 70 Cooking, 48 Agility, Monkey Madness

Sub Quest 8: 41 Cooking, 20 Firemaking, Big Chompy Bird Hunting


Cook's Assistant: N/A


Fishing Contest:

Stat Requirements: 10 Fishing


Goblin Diplomacy: N/A


Gertrude's Cat: N/A


Shadow of the Storm:

Stat Requirements: 30 Crafting

Quest Requirements: Demon Slayer, The Golem


Demon Slayer: N/A


The Golem:

Stat Requirements: 20 Crafting, 25 Thieving


Monkey Madness: *See Below*


Big Chompy Bird Hunting:

Stat Requirements: 5 Fletching, 30 Cooking, 30 Ranged


Dragon Scimitar

Monkey Madness:

Previous Quests Needed: The Grand Tree, Tree Gnome Village


The Grand Tree:

Stat Requirements: 25 Agility


Tree Gnome Village: N/A


Zamorak Prayer Book

Horror From The Deep:

Stat Requirements: 35 Agility

Previous Quests Needed: Barcrawl(mini quest)


Barcrawl(mini quest): N/A


Dragon Dagger(p++)

Lost City:

Stat Requirements: 31 Crafting, 36 Woodcutting



Mountain Daughter:

Stat Requirements: 20 Agility, 40 Woodcutting, 40Crafting, 25 Fletching


Crystal Bow

Roving Elves:

Previous Quests Needed: Regicide



Stat Requirements: 56 Agility

Previous Quests Needed: Underground Pass


Underground Pass:

Stat Requirements: 25 Ranged

Previous Quests Needed: Biohazard



Previous Quests: Plague City


Plague City: N/A


Ava's Accumulator

Animal Magnetism:

Stat Requirements: 18 Slayer, 19 Crafting, 30 Ranged, 35 Woodcutting

Previous Quests Needed: The Restless Ghost, Ernest the Chicken, Priest in Peril


The Restless Ghost: N/A


Ernest the Chicken: N/A


Priest in Peril: N/A


Barrelchest Anchor

The Great Brain Robbery:

Stat Requirements: 16 Crafting, 30 Construction, 50 Prayer

Previous Quests Needed: Creature of Fenkenstrain, Cabin Fever, RFD(Pirate Pete) Part


Creature of Fenkenstrain:

Stat Requirements: 25 Thieving, 20 Crafting

Previous Quests Needed: The Restless Ghost, Priest in Peril


The Restless Ghost: N/A


Priest in Peril: N/A


Cabin Fever:

Stat Requirements: 42 Agility, 45 Crafting, 50 Smithing, 40 Ranged

Previous Quests Needed: Rum Deal, Pirate's Treasure


Rum Deal:

Stat Requirements: 40 Farming, 50 Fishing, 47 Prayer, 42 Crafting, 42 Slayer

Previous Quests Needed: Zogre Flesh Eaters


Zogre Flesh Eaters:

Previous Quests Needed: Jungle Potion, Big Chompy Bird Hunting


Jungle Potion: N/A


Big Chompy Bird Hunting:

Stat Requirements: 5 Fletching, 30 Cooking, 30 Ranged


Pirate's Treasure: N/A


RFD(Pirate Pete) Part:

Stat Requirements: 31 Cooking, 42 Crafting

Previous Quests Needed: "Part 1" of RFD


Part 1 of RFD:

Stat Requirements: 10 Cooking

Previous Quests Needed: Cook's Assistant


Cook's Assistant: N/A


Salve Amulet

Haunted Mine:

Stat Requirements: 15 Agility, 35 Crafting

Previous Quests Needed: Priest in Peril


Priest in Peril: N/A


Zanik's Crossbow

Stat Requirements: 46 Agility, 46 Strength, 46 Thieving

Previous Quests Needed: Land of the Goblins


Land of the Goblins:

Stat Requirements: 30 Prayer, 36 Agility, 36 Fishing, 36 Thieving, 37 Herblore

Previous Quests Needed: Another Slice of H.A.M., Fishing Contest


Another Slice of H.A.M.:

Stat Requirements: 15 Attack, 25 Prayer

Previous Quests Needed: Death to the Dorgeshunn, The Giant Dwarf, Digsite Quest


Death to the Dorgeshunn:

Stat Requirements: 23 Agility, 23 Thieving

Previous Quests Needed: The Lost Tribe


The Lost Tribe:

Stat Requirements: 13 Agility, 13 Thieving, 17 Mining

Previous Quests Needed: Rune Mysteries, Goblin Diplomacy


Rune Mysteries: N/A


Goblin Diplomacy: N/A


The Giant Dwarf:

Stat Requirements: 12 Crafting, 14 Thieving, 16 Firemaking, 33 Magic


Digsite Quest:

Stat Requirements: 25 Thieving, 10 Agility, 10 Herblore


Fishing Contest:

Stat Requirements: 10 Fishing


Prayer Levels

A Pure's Prayer level can change a lot about them. Having a lower Prayer level will prevent you from obtaining some of these items. I've listed the Prayer levels that are the "common" options for Pures to get. Each Prayer level will state which items you are able to obtain.

1 Prayer:

Can't Obtain:

- Ancient Magic

- Ava's Accumulator

- Barrelchest Anchor

- Salve Amulet

- Zanik's Crossbow

11 Prayer:

Can't Obtain:

- Ava's Accumulator

- Barrelchest Anchor

- Zanik's Crossbow

31 Prayer:

Can't Obtain:

- Barrelchest Anchor

44 Prayer:

Can't Obtain:

- Barrelchest Anchor

52 Prayer:

Ever item is obtainable.

dem addy gloves

can we get addy gloves now?


if you want to chin on 07, dont finish monkey madness.


I would do grand tree & tree gnome village before you train anymore attack and strength


kept up the good work, hope to see an app soon

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