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what kind of a person uses the word "conspiracy"? - a U.S President

End Poverty

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End Poverty

very interesting speech, listen to it all

remember, he was the last president to have be assassinated.. i wonder why




Edited by End Poverty
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End Poverty

why reply if you're not going to contribute?


your last 5 posts have consisted of 


1- loool


3- just quoted somebody

4- dam

5- k

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why reply if you're not going to contribute?


your last 5 posts have consisted of 


1- loool


3- just quoted somebody

4- dam

5- k


gf hahahhahahahhaha

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why reply if you're not going to contribute?


your last 5 posts have consisted of 


1- loool


3- just quoted somebody

4- dam

5- k


loool niceeee dam k

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why reply if you're not going to contribute?


your last 5 posts have consisted of 


1- loool


3- just quoted somebody

4- dam

5- k


gf hahahhahahahhaha

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loool niceeeeee


The illuminti is near, and they don't fear. 666.






















dam k

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fuck americans

i agree

yh this topic now about why we hate americans

dey fat

if dey keep eating we starve

if 10 americans jump world moves abit

^ 1 of my funniest

if americans would all be dead we would have no fat people left


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fuck americans

i agree

yh this topic now about why we hate americans

dey fat

if dey keep eating we starve

if 10 americans jump world moves abit

^ 1 of my funniest

if americans would all be dead we would have no fat people left


God you're a ******* idiot lmfao. You try your absolute hardest to come off as some alpha male rich king pin that has it all and yet, you have have not once fabricated one picture of yourself except for one where you looked like an average chubby dude at Mcdonalds. Just stop trying so hard man, he is literally 19 years old and at university, what do you expect him to be? A ******* lumberjack who grew up in the middle of no where? He's from Holland, an extremely population dense part of the world and due to that I'm going to assume many people live the 'city' life style. No one gives a **** how tough some dude is from Iraq, same goes for you mate. Us people from first world countries actually have a high standard of living and no real need to work our bodies to death and die at age 40 like you poverty stricken motherfuckers (not that the Portuguese are known for hard work). Give this motherfucker a break, yes he's a little bit beta but like I've previously mentioned not EVERYONE has to be alpha male top dog. Some people have other focuses in life other than out alpha-ing other males and winning over sluts who will, quite frankly **** a stray dog if you put a singlet on it. Keep telling yourself how alpha and tough you are because you get loose sluts at a club and put down this kid for being 'beta'. One day when your cock stops working you'll realise there's more to life than tuning girls and trying to act tough, like, you know, perhaps establishing lasting relationships with people? Not being a complete fuckwit to everyone you meet? Living a happy life and sustaining wellbeing through a good career doing something you enjoy?

Settle the **** down you little cunt I'm sick of your shit, you post complete, made up shit on this forum and critisize the few people who contribute to the forum and let us into their lives, all because they're not alpha enough rofl. Your retard is showing brah.

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Tom (Rendition)



fuck americans

i agree

yh this topic now about why we hate americans

dey fat

if dey keep eating we starve

if 10 americans jump world moves abit

^ 1 of my funniest

if americans would all be dead we would have no fat people left


God you're a ******* idiot lmfao. You try your absolute hardest to come off as some alpha male rich king pin that has it all and yet, you have have not once fabricated one picture of yourself except for one where you looked like an average chubby dude at Mcdonalds. Just stop trying so hard man, he is literally 19 years old and at university, what do you expect him to be? A ******* lumberjack who grew up in the middle of no where? He's from Holland, an extremely population dense part of the world and due to that I'm going to assume many people live the 'city' life style. No one gives a **** how tough some dude is from Iraq, same goes for you mate. Us people from first world countries actually have a high standard of living and no real need to work our bodies to death and die at age 40 like you poverty stricken motherfuckers (not that the Portuguese are known for hard work). Give this motherfucker a break, yes he's a little bit beta but like I've previously mentioned not EVERYONE has to be alpha male top dog. Some people have other focuses in life other than out alpha-ing other males and winning over sluts who will, quite frankly **** a stray dog if you put a singlet on it. Keep telling yourself how alpha and tough you are because you get loose sluts at a club and put down this kid for being 'beta'. One day when your cock stops working you'll realise there's more to life than tuning girls and trying to act tough, like, you know, perhaps establishing lasting relationships with people? Not being a complete fuckwit to everyone you meet? Living a happy life and sustaining wellbeing through a good career doing something you enjoy?

Settle the **** down you little cunt I'm sick of your shit, you post complete, made up shit on this forum and critisize the few people who contribute to the forum and let us into their lives, all because they're not alpha enough rofl. Your retard is showing brah.


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Doesn't fully make sense guessing it's copy n paste

God you're a ******* idiot lmfao. You try your absolute hardest to come off as some alpha male rich king pin that has it all and yet, you have have not once fabricated one picture of yourself except for one where you looked like an average chubby dude at Mcdonalds. Just stop trying so hard man, he is literally 19 years old and at university, what do you expect him to be? A ******* lumberjack who grew up in the middle of no where? He's from Holland, an extremely population dense part of the world and due to that I'm going to assume many people live the 'city' life style. No one gives a **** how tough some dude is from Iraq, same goes for you mate. Us people from first world countries actually have a high standard of living and no real need to work our bodies to death and die at age 40 like you poverty stricken motherfuckers (not that the Portuguese are known for hard work). Give this motherfucker a break, yes he's a little bit beta but like I've previously mentioned not EVERYONE has to be alpha male top dog. Some people have other focuses in life other than out alpha-ing other males and winning over sluts who will, quite frankly **** a stray dog if you put a singlet on it. Keep telling yourself how alpha and tough you are because you get loose sluts at a club and put down this kid for being 'beta'. One day when your cock stops working you'll realise there's more to life than tuning girls and trying to act tough, like, you know, perhaps establishing lasting relationships with people? Not being a complete fuckwit to everyone you meet? Living a happy life and sustaining wellbeing through a good career doing something you enjoy?

Settle the **** down you little cunt I'm sick of your shit, you post complete, made up shit on this forum and critisize the few people who contribute to the forum and let us into their lives, all because they're not alpha enough rofl. Your retard is showing brah.

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i tauntz i

Doesn't fully make sense guessing it's copy n paste

God you're a ******* idiot lmfao. You try your absolute hardest to come off as some alpha male rich king pin that has it all and yet, you have have not once fabricated one picture of yourself except for one where you looked like an average chubby dude at Mcdonalds. Just stop trying so hard man, he is literally 19 years old and at university, what do you expect him to be? A ******* lumberjack who grew up in the middle of no where? He's from Holland, an extremely population dense part of the world and due to that I'm going to assume many people live the 'city' life style. No one gives a **** how tough some dude is from Iraq, same goes for you mate. Us people from first world countries actually have a high standard of living and no real need to work our bodies to death and die at age 40 like you poverty stricken motherfuckers (not that the Portuguese are known for hard work). Give this motherfucker a break, yes he's a little bit beta but like I've previously mentioned not EVERYONE has to be alpha male top dog. Some people have other focuses in life other than out alpha-ing other males and winning over sluts who will, quite frankly **** a stray dog if you put a singlet on it. Keep telling yourself how alpha and tough you are because you get loose sluts at a club and put down this kid for being 'beta'. One day when your cock stops working you'll realise there's more to life than tuning girls and trying to act tough, like, you know, perhaps establishing lasting relationships with people? Not being a complete fuckwit to everyone you meet? Living a happy life and sustaining wellbeing through a good career doing something you enjoy?

Settle the **** down you little cunt I'm sick of your shit, you post complete, made up shit on this forum and critisize the few people who contribute to the forum and let us into their lives, all because they're not alpha enough rofl. Your retard is showing brah.

oi less of your shit

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i tauntz i

man i thought you guys were more mature but obviously i was optimistic eh

lmfao the irony 


posts topic about conspiracy theories and calls trolls immature oh please do stand up would would be fucking hilarious

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End Poverty

man i thought you guys were more mature but obviously i was optimistic eh

lmfao the irony 


posts topic about conspiracy theories and calls trolls immature oh please do stand up would would be fucking hilarious

1, smd.

2. since when is posting a speech by a U.S President (one who was assassinated if you didn't already know that), considered a 'conspiracy theory' 

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