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The Illuminati anyone?

Learn 2 tashh

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Learn 2 tashh

Just wanted to see if we had any conspiracists on the forums.


The Illuminati is an organization which was made centuries ago, it consisted of the most prestigious groups/individuals in the world e.g bankers, those who made the monzies, politicans etc.

They generally only allow specific people in e.g blood relate. They are a satanic group who want to bring in something called the 'new world order' in which they rule over everyone :(.


I don't personally believe 'rappers' and 'singers' are in the Illuminati but they could be getting used to send subliminal messages to us through lyrics?!!?!?! sit on that boys. The reasoning for these so called subliminal messages is to get us closer to the devil, as they are a satanic believing organization.


What I do believe is that the government/governments around the world keep many secrets from us, and do extremely evil things to benefit themselves in the long run. However I don't know if their connected to the Illuminati or just evil by career choice.


Some of what I said may not be correct, I've obviously missed out some stuff and I'd appreciate being told what so just post below.


The devil is realer and closer then you believe. We are forever in a physical and psychological recession


A good song to end this topic, enjoy.







Yeah it's fucked up shit, I studied it one night when I was bored. It's really fucked up lolol.


I read that conspiracy stuff when im up for a giggle.

Elven Dremor

Of course it's all about the devil.... :facedesk:


Not heard that song in a while.


Personally I just want to watch the world burn


Of course it's all about the devil.... :facedesk:

Its zeh noob

just ate at the bilderberg restaurant, mad?


I haven't really looked into it much

i tauntz i

ogod tony has better topics than these -.- 


A Satanic group? where in the world did you get that information from lol.

Not sure what you're asking here.. Do we believe in them? Well yeah, they're a real group.. I don't think many people who disagree with that.. they stemmed from Freemasons..

Though they are a very wealthy group with predominant  members,  I don't think its plausible that they would create a "new world order", to many people on earth for that to happen.

I don't see them any different from groups like the Boy Scouts?.. They might have people in government but so do the boy scouts? They might be wealthy but I'm sure some boy scouts have done well for themselves.


They're more important things to worry about in U.S.. like the Obama administration.




seriously though the idea that someone could believe the Illuminati could effectively create a NWO makes me feel sick. how stupid can sum1 b (not you)


ogod tony has better topics than these -.- 




End Poverty

these rappers/music artists/actors and all that are just tools that the ''illuminati'' uses, 

- you know the forbes richest people in the world? yeah, thats complete bs. we have no idea who the richest people are, lol except for the rothschilds/rockefellers/vanderbilts etc.




- so you may think that america runs the world, given that they spend more than $800,000,000,000 a year on the military, but america is just a nominal term, the rulers of the world/powers that be control all the countries. its not america going to iraq for oil, its the corporations that profit from it

- basically worlds run by banking cartels + major corporations, while they use MANY tactics to supress us masses

-watch tv? cnn? fox? msnbc?= propoganda.


- reddit.com/r/conspiracy  actually has some good stuff

9/11 was an inside job, a false flag. boston too

i tauntz i

these rappers/music artists/actors and all that are just tools that the ''illuminati'' uses, 

- you know the forbes richest people in the world? yeah, thats complete bs. we have no idea who the richest people are, lol except for the rothschilds/rockefellers/vanderbilts etc.




- so you may think that america runs the world, given that they spend more than $800,000,000,000 a year on the military, but america is just a nominal term, the rulers of the world/powers that be control all the countries. its not america going to iraq for oil, its the corporations that profit from it

- basically worlds run by banking cartels + major corporations, while they use MANY tactics to supress us masses

-watch tv? cnn? fox? msnbc?= propoganda.


- reddit.com/r/conspiracy  actually has some good stuff

9/11 was an inside job, a false flag. boston too

not sure if your trolling or if your really this stupid

R 4 P 1 D Z
Posted (edited)

its all a grand design of things to keep the poor, poor and keep the rich richer 


i do belive there are a select group of people who are working there hardest to ensure that and at the same time control all of us and keep us ignorant to the fact that we are working for a system that is designed to benefit the rich.


they control everything, its never the rich children of the rich white politician going to war, its always the working class who are ignorant enough to let it happen to them, not even question the reason for the war, just mindless drones doing as they are told because they have been conditioned through years of mtv or other global brands specifically telling them how to think and how to behave..


e.g. when we see black people some stereotypes are that they are bad, gangsters, thieves etc all because we have been conditioned to think that is what they are all like..since we where young thats what we have been taught believe it or not



they get us while there young.. theres tons of disney propaganda if you look deeply







whatever its best not to dig to deep or it consumes you and you just get addicted and want to learn more about the illuminati



all i can say is knowledge is power, and only knowledge can break the cycle, think about it when colonies used to take over and invade each other the firs thing they used to do was stop people from learning because its widely known that intelligent people are able to protect themselves and there rights. 









TLDR : its a good read tbh read it

Edited by R 4 P 1 D Z
End Poverty
Posted (edited)

these rappers/music artists/actors and all that are just tools that the ''illuminati'' uses, 

- you know the forbes richest people in the world? yeah, thats complete bs. we have no idea who the richest people are, lol except for the rothschilds/rockefellers/vanderbilts etc.




- so you may think that america runs the world, given that they spend more than $800,000,000,000 a year on the military, but america is just a nominal term, the rulers of the world/powers that be control all the countries. its not america going to iraq for oil, its the corporations that profit from it

- basically worlds run by banking cartels + major corporations, while they use MANY tactics to supress us masses

-watch tv? cnn? fox? msnbc?= propoganda.


- reddit.com/r/conspiracy  actually has some good stuff

9/11 was an inside job, a false flag. boston too

not sure if your trolling or if your really this stupid


but then again looking at your last 5 posts seems like you're a shill





Today, 10:42 AM

your lil



not sure if your trolling or if your really this stupid



03 May 2013 - 01:36 PM





lmfao the irony 


posts topic about conspiracy theories and calls trolls immature oh please do stand up would would be fucking hilarious

In Topic: Hacked acc ruined.

03 May 2013 - 11:50 AM


Edited by End Poverty

yeah i was really interested in it at some point


then I realised the southpark episode where they talk about the 9/11 conspiracy, being a government conspiracy



In which I am saying that any evidence there and that is openly available, won't be accurate, because if it were the cooperations behind it would cover it up by having it removed.



If i ran the Illuminati I would allow people to think that it existed, and release false information about it to lead pessimists astray and thus covering up the actual operation.



Source: I'm in the Illuminati Grand Master

End Poverty


yup, the libor thing is the biggest fucking scam ever, matt taibii has greatttt articles

Scary as fuck honestly, I wonder what will happen to the USA..civil war maybe

yeah revolution is inevitable, especially when the richest 500 have more wealth than the bottom 50% of americans.. combined

, and when it happens it will probably be blooody...

,research how the FBI totally destroyed Occupy Wall St


Interesting video man, so much interesting info on it.


Of course it's all about the devil.... :facedesk:

 Lol xD


i will dick slap them

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